Plympton-Sparkwell-Cadover Bridge-Clearbrook 21/7/24 Trevor Bradshaw

     Just two at the start at Plympton, Dave & Graham, they set off to meet Sue & myself at the Hunting Lodge, so I could lead the ride from there. So it was uphill on the back lane from the pub to head for Corntown & to join the lanes for the Slade Estate. Here we had a bit of off-road passed Brunel's railway viaduct & into the woods before joining lanes again. Then we headed for Sparkwell & onto Wellbeck Manor for an early coffee stop, we sat outside watching the golfers chasing little white balls around & the sun even made a brief appearance in an otherwise cloudy day.
   Back in the saddle again heading for Hemerdon & the lanes up past the Tungsten mine before joining the main drag for Lee Moor, only stopping on this road for about a mile before joining the back lanes again & up to Beatland Corner & the Cadover Bridge road. We continued on past Ringmoor before swinging a left for Lovaton, it had been a few years since we last used this lane. It was along here Dave decided to have a puncture, so we found a quiet spot to repair it, soon to be joined by two women cyclists who stopped to ask us how to use their pump, quite a gathering. We finally got Dave's tyre back on, then hit another problem on removing the pump it proceeded to unscrew the Presta valve, we managed to get enough air in to last him to the pub at Clearbrook so we could take more time to rectify the problem over a pint.
    We sat among the masses on the bank opposite the pub with beers in hand & got our heads together to try to solve this new problem of the valve unscrewing on removal of the pump. After what seemed like an age & still not able to put air in Dave's tyre & have it stop up after removing the pump, a fellow cyclist came to the rescue & tried his pump, which we managed to get the tyre to stop fully inflated. Thank f***
    Back mobile again to join the Plym trail just far enough to come off at Bickleigh turning, here we joined another lane that we hadn't used for ages to arrive at the main drag just before Cann Woods. Time to say our farewells to Graham & Dave who were heading back to Plympton, Sue & I made our way back to Ivybridge. What an eventful day although the ride was good that I cobbled together, some new lanes revisited on an overcast day with the occasional glimpse of the sun but no rain. I had about 30 miles on the clock by the time I got home.

     Lesson learned for the future: It's recommended that you view your inner tubes unscrew the Presta vale and put a couple of drops of lock tight on the threads before screwing back in, & tightening back up nice tight with a pair of pliers.


 Shipley Bridge-South Brent- California Cross 7/7/24  Trevor Bradshaw

     Thin on the ground today Dave was still in France, Graham thought the whiskey bottle was better than a cycle ride, no sign of Jumper after his "End to End" ride, so that left just the four of us, Myself, Sue, Larry & Bonny. We set off on what was forecast to be a showery day, hopefully, we would miss them, but now the sun was out as we headed for Bittaford to swing a left under the railway arches & the steep climb up to Moorhaven. Then it was the back lanes to Owley & headed for Shipley Bridge. On the way it started to drizzle so out came our lightweight tops soon to be replaced by waterproof tops, by the time we got to Shipley Bridge it was bucketing down, a bit more than a shower. We plodded on getting more & more wet till we reached Bloody Pool Cross & decided to abandon the route & head for the Station House cafe at South Brent to dry out. Arriving here well saturated in our supposedly waterproof tops to dry out & a welcome cup of coffee/tea & cake, Bonny had missed breakfast so she tucked into egg & chips.
     Now the sun was out with blue skies so another route was planned. This took us onto the back lanes to Avonwick & thence Diptford, now it was the long climb up to the Moreleigh road. Continuing along this road then just before the village turned right which took us down to the Gara Bridge road, here we had a lovely long downhill ride all the way to Gara Bridge. Now it was payback time to tackle the long slog up to California Cross, arriving at the said pub it was time for a pint & sandwiches sitting outside in the sunshine although a little blustery, with the wind picking up.
     After a pleasant half-hour stop, it was back in the saddle again for the return leg back to the start. This was on a tried & tested route to Ermington and then to Ivybridge, taking the off-road route through Filham Park. Sue & I said our farewells to Bonny & Larry who headed up to the station car park, we headed home. A good day was had by all, except for the soaking at the start with 32 miles on the clock.


 Dobwalls-Fowey-Lostwithiel-Lanhydrock-St Neots 23/6/24 Larry Clarke


   Riders: Trevor & Sue, Dave, Graham, Ben. Weather: Full Sun & Warm.

   On arrival, Graham was already there of course. So I chatted with Graham until the others arrived. So we quickly set off, heading for Fowey, with Trevor navigating this first section new to us all. During this first section, we acquired another rider. His name turned out to be Ben, he was on a rather expensive-looking time trial machine. Which was not exactly made for touring. We kept sending him off the front when he could not get lost. Soon we arrived at Bodinnick. Trevor found out we were too early for the pub. So we crossed over to Fowey with Dave seeing a cafe straight away. This was a new job only been open a year & run by some Italians, so the coffee was excellent.

   So after refreshments, we all headed off towards Lanhydrock for a bit of rough stuff, passing through Lostwithiel on the way. Here, Dave parted company with us as he was going to the Saltash Songs & Shanties Festival. I don't think Ben was enjoying the rough stuff on his nearly new Triathlon bike, & at one stage picked it up and put it on his shoulder when it got to rough. On arrival at Lanhydrock cafe, we stopped to eat our lunch outside.

   On resuming our ride Ben must have had enough because he disappeared down the A38. Next, we were going through Cardinham Woods with Trevor leading the way as we were not going the usual way through. Soon we came out the other side on narrow lanes with a steep climb up to the road to Mount & St Neot. On arrival at St Neot the London Inn seemed like a nice watering hole (In the heat). So we all enjoyed our drinks thanks to Sue's kind generosity.

   Soon underway again we headed along the road out towards the A38. But we don't do main roads & soon we were in the lanes again & with just two more big climbs to do before finishing back at Dobwalls. I had 37 miles on the clock & didn't I know it?


  Buckfast Abbey--Dartington Hall  16/6/24  Andy Prideaux

           Today's ride would include Buckfast Abbey and Dartington Hall.
   At the green triangle I was met by Graham B and Dave N picking up Trevor at the Hunting Lodge.

    Having arrived at the Abbey 
we were confronted with other cyclists from unknown destinations. Dave was intrigued with a particular bike and its Carradice saddle bag and was soon in full blown conversation with the owner whom he had met previously in another life.

    Retreating from the Abbey we made tracks for Dartington following the old Totnes road navigating through narrow country lanes and scenic views of the surrounding countryside eventually arriving at the A384 where we then continued on the Sustrans Cycle Route. Once off this route we crossed the busy A384 leading up to Dartington Hall. Now having arrived at the rear access to the gardens I was dismayed to find that the normal rear entrance was no longer accessible and had been replaced by a coded lock, not to be deterred we managed to gain entry by the main entrance. Having arrived it was heads down to the bar area in The White Hart Pub, where none of us had been before, to order drinks and sitting outside to enjoy lunch on what now had proved to be a nice day, in the afternoon sunshine.

    On our departure leaving the grounds it was a right turn and a further right turn leading us  onto a cycle path following the river to the craft centre, crossing the main  road and following  the cycle path, rather than going through Week as Trevor suggested I carried on to the alternative route leading to Rattery both ways being hilly. On entering Rattery and turning right we headed towards Harbourneford  turning left towards South Brent and hence Ivybridge and  home a total of 46 miles, an enjoyable day in good company.


 Cotehele-Harrowbarrow-Pillaton  9/6/24  Trevor Bradshaw

   Riders: Larry, Trevor & Sue, Graham

     Met Larry at the Bridge, with Graham already there, Dave was still practicing his French in Berlin & with no sign of anybody else turning up we set off. Larry took us under the bridge and to his running route on footpaths on the edge of Saltash, he had managed to get ahead of us & with no sign, we made our way to Waitrose hoping to catch up with him there. We waited wondering were he was when my phone rang with Larry informing me he had fell off his bike & with twisted handle bars & blooded, decided to head home & would I take the ride.

   So now down to three, we set off to take a right at Carkeel & on to Botustfleeming, carrying on the lanes to Landalph, then off road for a bit heading for Paynters Cross. Joining the main Callington road for about half a mile before swinging a right & on our way to Halton Quay & then Cotehele. It was a lovely sunny day but the wind was a bit cool round the arms, we decide to make Cotehele our coffee stop & sat outside in the warm sunshine. Larry's original route was through Calstock  & beyond around Kit Hill, but I didn't fancy that bit, so came up with another plan to take us up through Harrowbarrow & then onto Pillaton.

   Back on our bikes to tackle some new lanes, which seemed to be mostly uphill - but that's typical of my rides. We skirted Ashton before arriving at familiar territory near Dupath Well, as Sue had never seen this, we made this our lunch stop to eat our sandwiches. Then it was on to head for Amy Tree & onto Pillaton to stop at The Weary Friar for a pint, before heading back to Saltash.

   In Saltash we thought a visit to see how Larry was recovering was a must, he had managed to repair his bike & was covered in plasters from different scrapes, other than that seemed fine. We headed back to the bridge & start after an enjoyable ride of around 30 miles.


 Chagford-Castle Drogo-Fingle Bridge-Kennick Reservoir   2/6/24                 Trevor Bradshaw

   Riders: Myself, Sue, Bonny, Larry, Graham

    5 of us gathered at the cricket club car park in Bovey on a beautiful sunny day eager to discover the delights of this part of Devon. Bonny back from her adventure in the Picos mountains of Northern Spain, little did she know that she hadn't left the mountains behind. We set off passing through the more affluent parts of Bovey Tracey with large houses scattered here & there, Larry having dreamy thoughts of moving here. Carrying on through some lovely lanes, though seemed to be mostly up hill, to skirt Lustleigh then Moretonhampstead heading for Chagford. What a gorgeous day, bright blue sky & beautiful countryside. Arriving in Chagford we were going to the cafe but it had no outside seating area, so retired to our usual watering hole the Three Crowns. There were a bunch of other cyclist already there which we exchanged chat with. Coffee & teas all round, but never to early for Graham who had a pint. We had another lady joined us that Bonny had picked up in the toilet.

Back in the saddle again to make our way towards Castle Drogo, again more climbing involved, to arrive in Drewsteignton. Then taking the lane down to Fingle Bridge, Yip-peee!!! down hill for a change. We decided to bypass the Bridle path that we took last time & carried on alongside the River Teign with a lovely woodland setting. Back on tarmac again to take a new route that didn't involve going up a steep rocky path as we did last time. Well!!, yes we were on tarmac, but full of potholes & extremely steep, so involved some walking, although Graham managed it on his ebike, as for Bonny it was like being back in the Picos mountains as she plodded on. Back on to reasonably flat ground + back in the sunshine we headed for a lunch stop at Kennick Reservoir, I kept telling everyone it was only round the next bend, but they wouldn't believe me. Finally at this lovely setting with a shaggy dog for company we tucked in to our sandwiches. There were a couple of boats on the water + fishermen on the shore with their fly fishing rods, lovely.

Trying to drag everyone away back on to their bikes with Larry & Graham deep in conversation with the local warden, but finally back in the saddle. We headed for Hennock & then Bovey to make a stop in Larry's favourite bike cafe. Here they had a live singer screeching her head off, which we managed for 5 mins, before retiring outside to the peace & quiet of the local traffic. Then it was back to the cricket club car park after a rather challenging ride, but with lovely scenery & sunny weather. Just over 30 miles on the clock but felt like 90, great day.


  Horrabridge-Princetown & Beyond  19/5/24    Graham Black

   There was four of us at Coypool, the start and  very crowded car park due to a busy car boot sale. Trevor, Andy, David and myself.

     Our first coffee stop was at the Leaping Salmon at Horrabridge where we sat outside, this time in the sunshine!

     Afterwards it was up Pork Hill via Merrivale, where I had a banana whilst waiting for Trevor on his steam bike, then on to Princetown where we had our second coffee stop at the Old Police Station, inside the Station Cafe, many prisoners were caught eating their sandwiches in a forbidden area! Here we met Dave & Val Jordan on their very expensive mountain ebikes who were off to do a bit of off roading on the moors.

     Then onwards, accompanied with a load of tractors on some rally, this time down hill via Meavy and on to Cadover bridge where we had a Ice-cream stop amongst the crowd of picnickers and swimmers. After the stop Trevor made his way home and David , Andy and myself headed to Plympton and the car park.


  Callington-Altarnun-Launceston  12/5/24      Larry Clarke


   Three of us at Callington free car park, for today's ride (Dave, Graham B & myself). Which turned out to be a dry, warm day with sunny periods. We soon set out for the cafe stop at Altarnun. We were taking the usual route to pass through Linkinhorne, North Hill, Plusha, Five Lanes then the cafe stop in Altarnun. It was the first time this year, we had come here as it had been closed for most of the winter. After a quick refuelling, we took the usual route to Launceston. I commented it was nice to do a ride in warm weather. Soon we arrived in Launceston.

   Did the climb up from the railway line to the main road over the A30? But soon we were going along the usual route to Kelly Bray, with the steep hill climb beforehand. On arrival, we entered the pub for a well-earned drink. After this, we went & did Dave's favourite way back, through town. A nice leisurely day`s ride in good weather, & company with 36 miles on the clock.


  Landscove--Staverton--Rattery--Home    28/4/24        Trevor Bradshaw

  Riders: Myself, Sue, Graham, Larry, Andy, Jumper, Dave

  Arriving at the station start on this bright sunny morning to find it crowded with cars, something going on at the Rugby Club & this was the overspill car park. We had a bumper turn out today with 7 riders in attendance, weaving our way passed the cars still piling in to join the road for Bittaford & Wrangaton. Then it was to join the back lanes heading for Aish, skirting South Brent on more lanes to go down the dip into Harbourneford & on to Buckfastleigh. Here it was onto the Ashburton road then swinging a right for Pridhamsleigh & to tackle our first long hill up to the Five Lanes junction. Taking a left down to Baddaford, then another long climb on a recently re-tarmac lane, ( typical of the council to repair lanes which no traffic uses, other than the odd cyclist) anyway onwards & upwards to join the Landscove road. Down hill now to arrive at our first stop the Hill House Nursery, as it was still sunny & warm we decided to sit in the lovely garden with birdsong & cawing of crows nesting in the surrounding trees. It was tea/coffee & cakes all round some sharing the large helpings, others scoffing it all themselves. While sitting here a big black cloud arrived with a drop in temperature + a few spots of rain, but we could see blue skies beyond, so a passing April shower.

   On leaving I lead the group through the adjoining pretty church yard, as for a couple of riders it was their first visit. Back on tarmac again & some putting on warmer clothing as it had dropped at least 5 degrees we made our way on a assortment of lanes heading for Staverton railway station. To find the road closed over the bridge on the river Dart, but that never deters us cyclist, so we made our way through bits of dug up road to climb our way up to the main road for Dartington & Totnes. Crossing over to join the road to Rattery which had its fair share of ups & downs, to arrive at our beer stop & The Church House Inn, venue for our Christmas dinner. This was packed with people tucking in to their Sunday lunch, but as the temperature had risen with the sun out we choose the garden for a good chinwag over our beer.

    Leaving this lovely watering hole we made our way down to the main Totnes road to cross over & join another assortment of lanes making our way to South Brent. It was now the tried and tested route back to Ivybridge, arriving, & first saying goodbye to Jumper the Sue and I to the rest at the station, everyone said they enjoyed the ride & route &, but for a couple of April showers a nice day. Time I got home there were 32.6 miles on the clock, a few more for Andy having rode in & back from Plympton.


  Seaton--Cawsands--St John  21/4/24    Graham Black

       Riders: Myself, Dave, Trevor & Sue

  It was 10 o'clock at Torpoint the start, the sun was shining and it looked like summer had finally arrived at last but not for long as the temperature dropped in the afternoon, though it did stay dry all day!

  I decided to go along the A374 to Sheviock because at this time in the morning the roads are not so busy, at this point David went back to Saltash for a ceremony to receive a reward for his voluntary work

Then it was uphill through the lanes to Narkurs, then it was a steep down hill to Seaton where we found a outdoor cafe outside the Smuggler Inn. After the stop it was decided to go along the coastal route going by Tregantle Fort then  on to Cawsand,from there we headed inland to Millbrook, where we thought about having a pub stop there but the pubs did not look inviting, so it was decided to push on to a pub at Wilcove. On the way there we went through the village of St John, where a good decision was made to stop at the St John Inn I had been there before but it was a long time ago. Going inside we where pleasantly surprised to find an old worldly nautical atmosphere, so i think that we had the feeling that we will be going back some time.

Then it was back to the Ferry with 40 miles covered



 Sibblyback Lake--Liskeard & Beyond  14/4/24   Larry Clarke

  There were four of us at the Tamar Bridge today for the start of Larry's ride, Trevor, Sue, Graham & Larry on a reasonable fine day, no rain for a change. We set off, over & under the bridge on Larry's scenic route heading for the roundabout & foot bridge to Waitrose, then the very busy road to Hatt. Now thankfully on quieter lanes up hill and down dale before swinging a left for Pillaton, downhill to follow the  river Lynher then the lanes to St Ive. Onwards to Gang where we came off Larry's designated route and by-passed Pensilva and headed for St Cleer, on the way managed to lose Graham who disappeared on the main drag to Liskeard. We new he had maps on his phone & new  our destination, so wasn't to worried. From Gang Larry was winging it unsure of the route, but with my phone map arrived at St Cleer, then to carry on to Sibblyback Lake & our first refreshment stop. The cafe area was pretty full with lots of dog walkers so we joined the queue for coffees, then heard a familiar voice behind us of Graham who had caught up. I think the fine weather had tempted everyone out going by the number of cars in the car park, on the green by the cafe were a bunch of chaps under instruction in the art of Fly fishing.
   On our way again to tackle the path around the edge of the lake dodging dog walkers and fishermen into a really cold wind coming down from the Tors & across the water. Thankfully when we reached tarmac again on the lane to Golitha falls the wind had dropped & we warmed up again. From Redgate, Larry lead us a variety of lanes heading for Liskeard, to arrive at our second stop at Wetherspoons for a well earned pint.
    Then it was back on our bikes for Larry to lead us back towards Saltash, here we stopped at Waitrose to say our goodbye to Larry after 40miles of riding. Sue was pretty knackered as it was her first time out after a few weeks of illness, but she said she enjoyed the ride & the weather was fine and dry with the odd spell of sunshine.
   I am writing this report as Larry is off on his Hols with Jenny to there luxury caravan on the edge of the Quantocks at Minehead, hope the weather stays fine for them.


  Totnes--Bow Bridge--Harbertonford  31/3/24     Trevor Bradshaw

   It was a somewhat overcast day with sunny periods that greeted us at the station carpark today, 4 of us in attendance, Myself, Andy, Larry & Bonny. Some had forgot to put their clocks forward, Jumper text me saying he was hosting his  mother-in-law today + getting ready for his tour of Japan later in the week. So we set off in now sunshine to tackle the rather chilly headwind heading for Wrangaton, Andy was already used to this having plugged it in from Plympton. We had to stop under the railway arches at Bittaford for Andy to tighten up his front chainring which was on the point of coming apart. Back on the road again to swing a left at Wrangaton onto lanes and a relief from the wind onwards via Aish & outskirts of South Brent, to encounter our first river crossing in the dip at Harbourneford. Up the hill to swing a right skirting Rattery & on to Willing Cross, now we headed for Week on a somewhat debris & potholed lane in was like being off road. To arrive at Dartington church & join the cycle path alongside the A384, crossing this to go round the shopping complex & join the cycle path for Totnes. My intention was for our first coffee stop in Totnes, but decided to come off the cycle path across the bridge over the river to arrive at the railway station from Buckfastleigh & into the cafe at the "Rare Breeds Farm". We were treated to the sight of the steam train taking on passengers for the return journey to Buckfastleigh. Sitting outside taking in our surroundings alongside a small aviary with Zebra finches & other exotic small birds, treating us with their bird song.

  Pushing our bikes back over the level crossing & stopping to look round their waiting room filled with posters & model trains, Mike would have loved it. Check out the address on one of the posters in my following pictures. Back in the saddle again we carried on to Totnes were we joined the cycle path for Ashprington, first time we have done this way round & sometimes had to walk up the very steep climb to Sharpham Vineyard entrance. At the top we passed through Ashprington village then down the hill to Bow bridge to stop at "The Watermans Arms" for our lunchtime stop, sitting by the stream with drinks & sandwiches.

   Back on our bikes to join a tried and tested route passing through Harbertonford & on to Avonwick, here Andy decide to take the direct route back to Ivybridge & Plympton via the A38 as he was having battery problems, ie; not enough charge left. We took the back lane to South Brent then back to Ivybridge, here saying my farewells to Larry & Bonny after an enjoyable ride with some nice sunny periods + dry day. Arriving home with 35 miles covered & the start of some drizzle, so timed the weather right.


 Lee Moor--Yelverton--Milton Combe--Bickleigh  24/3/24   Andy Prideaux

   It was a pleasant surprise to see both Dave and Graham B at the Grass Triangle neither having been out for a while with the club owing to health issues, with Trevor that made the grand total of 4 riders on a rather bleak overcast Sunday. Heading down the Ridgeway we forked off just before the George Pub riding down through the narrow lanes towards Glen Road, crossing the main road we made tracks towards Stoggy Lane which led to a Leper Colony going back through history, passing the usual array of dog walkers on our travels. Crossing the road leading to Hemerdon and Cornwood we continued our journey via the Sustrans route which was well used and made interesting cycling, culminating in the main drag to Lee Moor. At the summit  it was a left turn passing through Wotter and on to Cadover Bridge.

  At Cadover the roads were much dryer such a contrast to Plympton and it actually felt like Spring. At this point Trevor suggested that maybe we should try to drop in and see Bonny, who had a country estate nearby. Bonny as it would happen to be, was  surprised at our unexpected visit but pleased to see us at the same time. After having made us welcome with coffee and scones plus a guided tour thrown in, we were impressed with her stable of motor bikes and fabulous views of the surrounding area.

   On departing Dave decided to head back to Plympton via the Drake's trail as we continued on towards Buckland Monachorum and Milton Coombe, where Trevor kindly bought a round of drinks at  "The Who'd Thought It" pub.

   Leaving the Pub we headed towards Lopwell Dam, although at the last minute decided to make our way to Roborough which was less hilly. At the Plessy roundabout it was a left turn followed by a right leading towards Bickleigh village and hence the trail to Coypool where we bade our farewells to Trevor who decided to take the more scenic route back to Ivybridge via Saltram estate, whilst we took the hillier version through Boringdon onto Plympton where Graham and I parted company. A pleasant day out with 32 smiles on the clock and in good company.


 Seaton--Liskeard--Blunts 17/3/24   Larry Clarke


   I wanted to share with you my report on last Sunday's ride. It was such a great experience! I enjoyed riding with, Bonny and Trevor as the riders, along the Blunts-St. Germans-Seaton-Liskeard route. Although the weather was a bit drizzly at first, we were lucky to have some sunny periods throughout the ride.

   I must say, our stop at the Beach House cafe in Seaton for elevenses was one of the highlights of the ride. I saw a 500cc Indian racing motorcycle from 1929 on display, which was super cool! After our break, we pushed on towards Liskeard, conquering the steep hill out of Seaton and then towards No Man's Land. We had another climb to the highest point on the ride, which included a golf course and was about 600 feet above sea level. As we descended the hill, we turned right into a Trevor Lane and ran into two ewes and a lamb. They were going the same way we wanted to go, so we waited patiently until they went off right, which enabled us to continue. Soon we were heading up the Looe to Liskeard Valley. Past the wishing well, we soon arrived at St Keyne where we stopped to have our lunch break. Here we were entertained by a lad cycling laps, round & round a circuit he probably new well.

  After our lunch break, we cycled on and soon went over the A38 and climbed along a combination of cycle paths and local roads to enter Liskeard. Here we stopped at their Wetherspoon pub to refresh ourselves. Bonny went off somewhere to check out a shop front but eventually found us, and soon we were underway again along the usual route back. We finished at Blunts, having climbed up Defibrillator Hill, covering a total of 32 miles. 


Bigbury--Shilston Barton  10/3/24           Trevor Bradshaw

   Riders: Myself,  Larry & Bonny    

   We three hardy soles gathered at the station car park on this beautiful spring day. The plan was to make our way to Bigbury via numerous debris strewn lanes trying to dodge the pot holes. So we set off heading for Sheepham bridge and encountering early morning horse riders which Bonny was keen to give advice to, from the bridge it was our first long climb up to Mary Cross. Then it was a bit of flat followed by a downhill & up we climbed again to join the Bigbury Rd. Crossing the main Modbury road on to the Bigbury road then swinging a left to join more lanes & the back roundabout route to St Lawrence church in Bigbury village. From here it was the main road towards Bigbury Golf club, which was to be our first coffee break. We were welcomed by a nice lady who made us some lovely coffee, tea for Bonny, & some biscuits. We decided to sit out in the sunshine & watch the golfers teeing off, + enjoying the wide vista of the surrounding countryside.
   Back on our bikes again we made our way down to sea level & Challaborough, taking in the rolling waves before tackling the steep climb up to Ringmore. From here we headed for Kingston, Larry thought we were going to Jamaica. Up hill & down dale passing through, Lower & Upper Shearlangstone to arrive at Modbury. Now we headed for Shilston via the back entrance & the off road track leading to the cafe, quite a few people we sitting at the tables outside, but we managed to find a free one. After enjoying our drinks it was time to introduce Larry & Bonny to the "Devon Archives" as it was their first time here. With a bit of time rummaging round this fascinating place, it was back on our bikes to head back to the start at Ivybridge. Saying farewell to my two fellow riders after a glorious day it was time for me to head home arriving back with 28.7 miles on the clock. Great Day!


 Loddiswell--California Cross  3/3/23     Andy Prideaux

      Riders: Myself, Trevor, Sue, Graham(Jumper)  

   Sunday's ride would take us to  Loddiswell via Ermington and Sheepham. There were no 'A' riders at the Grass Triangle on a rather cold frosty morning. I had arranged to meet Trevor at the Hunting Lodge complete with Sue that made three of us. Soon after another Graham arrived that I'd not met in person but knew of from a friend. although he'd been on other rides with Trevor and co.
   My aim was to ride to Diptford via Avonwick through the lanes to Loddiswell, but a certain person changed my mind.
   Arriving at the Loddiswell we aimed for the garden centre which was surprisingly quiet for a change. 

   After refreshing ourselves and putting the world to rights it was onwards once more. Exiting the centre it was a left turn over the bridge and another left following the river and heading for Gara Bridge and the hilly road to California Cross and a well earned pint in the pub plus lunch.

    On departing it was a left hand turning just past the pub  through an array of muddy lanes, at least there fewer cars than 0n the main drag which made it more relaxing. Cutting through Ermington I bade farewell to everyone  as they took the more scenic route back to their destinations. Arriving home at Plympton with 40 miles on the clock, an enjoyable day out in good company.



 Trerulefoot--Golitha Falls--St Neot--Liskeard  18/2/24  Larry Clarke


         Riders: Bonny, Trevor & myself.

    Weather: Cornish Mizzle, Breezy, then drier with mild temperatures.

     Arriving at the start I thought I was early, but Trevor was already there. Then Bonny arrived to make up the threesome. It seemed strange not to have Dave N. out on one of my rides. Get well soon Dave, we all miss your lively banter whilst riding along (did I say that). Soon we were underway heading for them their hills, in country lanes. We had not gone more than a 1/4 of a mile before we had to go through a flooded section of the lane we were on. Now nicely wet around the feet area it was onward & upward to arrive just short of Golitha. Here a lady cyclist told us the road to Bolventor was flooded for a good mile or more ( water up to her kneecaps). So whilst at the coffee stop I quickly let Trevor know of the alternative route I had in mind. It was here that we were entertained by the wild birds in the woods around us, and Trevor availed us of his ornithology knowledge.

     Soon underway again & in dryer conditions, we took the route to Wenmouth Cross (Very hilly). Then on to pass through St Neot, with its lovely church & London Inn pub. Now climbing out onto Bodmin Moor proper (it was here that Trevor sore a vision on a sign saying "Ley") I knew it would take us down to the A38 near Trago Mills. Soon crossing the motorway we had to tackle the infamous hill (with its low railway bridge) to Middle Taphouse. Now knackered after the climb we had a very easy ride to Liskeard. Just before Liskeard, we all went along a new route (parallel to the A38) into Liskeard. I think both Trevor & Bonny were suitably impressed by my choice of route into Liskeard. Here we entered Wetherspoon for another refreshment stop.

       Now it was time for the final leg of our ride. Out of Liskeard along the Looe road, shortly to turn off left on lanes to bring us up to the crossroad at Horningtops. Here we turned right then left & headed along to get on the A38, & down to turn off left. Now back on country lanes, we had one more steep hill to climb. Then along roads to our finish at Trerulefoot. Both Bonny & Trevor thanked me for an enjoyable, & somewhat challenging, ride. With 32.9 miles on the clock.


 Totnes-Dartington-Rattery-South Brent  12/2/24     Trevor Bradshaw


         Riders: Myself, Bonney & Graham ( Jumper) Collins  

 Just 3 of us at Ivybridge Station car park today on a changed day, Monday, forecast was better, & Oh!! were they right for a change, beautiful sunny sky's just like a Spring day. So off we set bound for Wrangaton, came across "Road Closed" sign but we know that doesn't apply to cyclist. There was something on the news first thing saying closed because of a incident at Bittaford. When we got there the police diverted us on a u-shaped circuit by-passing a section of the large viaduct. It turned out someone had threw themselves off the railway arches, so sad that anyone could get themselves into that state.
   We continued our journey on this gorgeous day making for Avonwick, from here we joined the back lanes heading for Harberton & Totnes. Just before the village we introduced "Jumper" to Yogi Hill, think he was impressed. Weaving on a series of debris strewn & wet lanes we arrived at the long downhill into Totnes, but swung a right onto a bit of off road just to cheer everyone up. Then it was through Totnes to join the cycle path for Dartington & arrive at The Green Table cafe for our first stop. Sitting out enjoying the sunshine with a few more happy folk.
    Back on our bikes again it was to head for Week & a tried and tested route to Rattery. I meant for this to be our second stop so I could enjoy a pint of "Dragons Breath" at this lovely pub, but the car park was empty & the pub closed up, forgot it was Monday (most pubs close on a Monday) So it was plan B & head for South Brent & the Station House cafe, were we relaxed in the comfy sofas & I still got my pint with a bottle of "Doom Bar".
  Onwards back to the start, at Bittaford we noticed someone had left a bunch of flowers below the railway arches, but listening to reports it was a man who had fallen + somehow survived, but what kind of state he was in who knows.
  We left Jumper at the "Bloor" estate to continue home, I said farewell to Bonny at the station & to tackle one last hill to arrive home after 30.7 miles & a fantastic day weather wise + good company.


Callington-Razare-Launceston-Kelly Bray  4/2/24     Larry Clarke


                    Riders: Sue, Trevor, Dave, and myself.

Weather: We started with light rain, but it turned into a dry, cloudy, and windy day with mild temperatures.

   I arrived early at the starting point, but unfortunately, I had forgotten my wallet,(Oh Dear) Soon after, Dave arrived, followed by Trevor and Sue. We began our journey, and it was only my second all-day ride since Christmas. We started along the main road towards Gunnislake and went up and around Kit Hill, which was shrouded in mist. We then descended to pass through the hamlet of Downgate and continued through Trevor lanes to pass through Stoke Climsland, Razare, and Leburnick. Finally, we arrived at Tesco in Launceston,- (Also forgot my bike lock, must get my act together) where Dave bought everyone a coffee.

   Soon, we were underway again, with Dave still hanging in there due to an undiagnosed medical condition in his chest area. We went up and down hills to Kelly Bray, passing through Trebullett, Linkinhorne, and Maders, and then arrived at the pub in Kelly Bray for a well-deserved pint (Thanks, Trevor). Dave commented on the barmaid's ample bosom, and I agreed.

   Suitably refreshed, we entered Callington on a new route. I think both Trevor and Dave were impressed. Dave mentioned that he was looking out for John O'Rourke as this was his hometown. With no sign of John, we all soon arrived at the starting point again, with 25 miles on the clock.


 Weir Quay--Lopwell Dam & Beyond  28/1/24       Andy Prideaux

       Only myself and Trevor at the start, Dave playing away and Graham awol, on a rather dreary Sunday. The ride took us past Boringdon golf club to Plymbridge Woods where we joined the cycle path to Bickleigh where we were in company of a few cyclists and runners. 

Leaving the path we headed for Denham Bridge crossing the busy A386 and a bit of rough - stuff across moorland before once again rejoining the steep and twisty  lanes to Denham via Buckland Abbey.

On arriving at Denham the bridge was barricaded with huge concrete barriers and a sign reading Road Closed which was pretty obvious. However we managed to skirt around these obstacles to climb the hill when suddenly I heard a voice behind me, it was Bonny who had joined us from Yelverton, making the grand total of three.

Arriving at the Boat Yard  Cafe we were joined by others including dogs. After putting the world to rights it was upwards and onwards to Bere Ferrers, Exiting the village we decided that we would head home via Lopwell Dam. The actual cart track leading to the dam was challenging in itself being wet and slippery, however, we made it!

Having crossed the dam and on to terra-  ferma it was farewell to Bonny as we parted company, Trevor  and I headed for Roborough and the road to Bickleigh where I left Trevor to head for Ivybridge & myself home to Plympton. An enjoyable day apart from the weather and 33 miles on the clock and even more for Trevor.


Saltram-Hooe-Otter Nursery-Westlake-Home   7/12/23   Trevor Bradshaw

                      Riders: Myself, Graham J & B, Dave, Mike

    Three of us turned up at the grass triangle Plympton to be met by two `B` riders Graham & Mike who we invited to join us. It was supposed to be Graham B. ride, but as he planned to go up on the moors we decided a more southern route would be better, so I elected to lead. Off we went through Plympton St Maurice passing the site of the castle & on to Saltram. Taking the estuary track it was dodge the dog walkers, which there were loads, out to cross the main road near the Morley Arms pub then to join the old railway track to Hooe lake. At the lake we did a bit of off road to skirt the lake which Graham J decided was to much and left us. This was a little bit muddy in places but not to bad, we encountered a irate dog walker who though he owned the woods, miserable git!! We burst out to join the Hooe road then it was up & down to arrive at Jennycliff, now it was the long uphill slog to Staddon Heights golf club, Mike managed to cycle all the way up, Well Done!! We then made our way to Wembury beach via Langdon Court, then it was up hill again to the village, to much for Mike this time & he had to walk. It was then on to the Odd Wheel pub to swing a left to rejoin the Wembury road & on to Otter garden centre for refreshments. This place was packed out with Christmas shoppers & it was a queue to get our drinks.

   Leaving here Dave & Mike decided they were going to ride back to the start, it was left to myself & Graham B. to tackle the muddy lanes & head for Westlake. Down to pass Endsleigh to Ivybridge, we joined the cycle path for the Hunting Lodge Pub to stop for a nice pint. This was jammed with Sunday lunch diners, but managed to get two seats at the bar to enjoy our beer.

   Saying goodbye & Merry Christmas to Graham, he headed back to Plympton & me back home. It stopped dry all day if a little overcast & I had 29.5 miles on the clock when I arrived home.


 St Ann's Chapel--Loddiswell--California Cross  11/12/23 Trevor Bradshaw

  Riders: Myself, Graham J, Graham B, Graham Collins

   Arriving at the railway station car park Ivybridge on this fine sunny day, I was greeted by a gaggle of Grahams, no trouble remembering names today. We had a new rider today, Graham (Jumper) Collins a fellow Ivybridge resident arriving back to our home shores after a spell in Canada. Off we set heading on a familiar route through Filham & on to Sheepham Bridge, going through our first flood + some nervous horse riders. It was then to tackle our first of many hills & onto Modbury passing through the town to join the lanes for Shearlangstone. Passed the outskirts of Kingston & onto St Ann's Chapel, checking the tide times the estuary road to Aveton Gifford was a no go, so it was a roundabout route on the muddy, debris strewn & flooded lanes to the said village. It was then main road for a while crossing the river Avon before swinging a left onto some more muddy lanes heading for Venn. Arriving at the T-junction at the other lane from Aveton G. which skirts the flood plains of the Avon, we certainly took the right lane as the other one was closed due to flooding.

   It was then onto the Avon Mill cafe at Loddiswell for our first stop for refreshments, it was a little bit empty compared to a Sunday, today was Monday we had to cancel yesterday because of weather.
   Back on bikes again on still a rather warm day, we now had to tackle the long steep hill up to Woodleigh, then on for Preston Cross & Gara bridge. On the bridge I don`t know if Graham J. fancied a swim in the Avon but he managed to fall off his bike, luckily Graham B. was there to help. We all assembled at the California Cross junction, I was going to have to forget our trip to Shilston as it was closed Monday & Tuesdays, so we retired to the pub for a nice pint & some coffees.
   Out of the pub having put the world and the Israeli conflict to right we were greeted by drizzle - who ordered this - so it was on with wet weather gear. We took the lane down besides the pub to pass through Brownston & by the time we had traversed this muddy lane back on to proper tarmac again the rain had stopped. Then it was Mary Cross up & down a hill to pass the entrance to Shilston & then Ugborough. On the usual route back to the Rugby club dropping Graham C. off at his house which we passed. It was to say farewell to the other two Grahams & make my way back home with 32 miles on the clock after a good muddy ride. Cleaning bikes tomorrow.


  Tamar Bridge--Calstock--Stoke Climbsland & Back  5/12/23  Larry Clarke


Riders: Trevor, Graham B & myself  Weather: Cold dry start, Heavy shower, Dry cold day with sunny periods.

     We assembled in full winter clothes at the Tamar bridge's Plymouth end. Soon, it was decided we had better get underway before we went down with exposure. We did the usual route through Pillmere estate, then on towards Hatt. Then the heavens opened up, so Trevor veered into Tamar View Nursery for an early coffee break. Whilst, here the weather cleared to cloud & sunshine. Soon, underway again, we took the route towards Pillaton. Just short of Pillaton, we turned right into a new lane for both Graham, & Trevor. This took us on a steep descent, followed by a steep climb to St Mellion village, roundabout. Then we crossed over onto a familiar route, towards Halton Quay. Then, a left turn into a new lane, & coming out the other side of Halton Quay. Now on a unfamiliar road, we soon had to use Trevor's navigation system, to find our way to Calstock for our lunch stop. We arrived to find the ducks had left their mess all over the bus shelter.

    After lunch, & enjoying the views across the river Tamar, we started the first of several climbs to Stoke Climbsland. On route, we passed through Drakewalls and Luckett before arriving at Stoke Climbsland. Here it was decided to get warmed up in the pub at Kelly Bray. But first, we had to tackle the steep climb between Stoke Climbsland, & Kelly Bray. We soon found ourselves in the pub warming up with a good old-fashioned pint of real ale. 

   From here we took the usual route to the Carkeel roundabout, passing through Amy Tree & Hatt before arriving at the Carkeel roundabout. Now with 38 miles on the clock.



  Makers Cafe--Millbrook & Beyond 19/11/23   Graham Black

    Riders; Myself, Trevor, Andy & Bonny 

At the ferry on a damp morning and with a strong wind blowing from the west, I had five riders but David that had rode from Saltash was not feeling 100% so he decided to go back home, so now we were four!

We headed to Antony, there it was a sharp left up a narrow lane to St John with a good view of Plymouth, then a right turn along a challenging lane with steep hills and lots of debris. Reaching Whitsand Bay the wind was now behind us as we made the way through Kingsand and on to Maker Camp for a coffee stop, it was busy with people having meals in this now gastro cafe.

Refreshed it was down hill to Millbrook going along the shoreline we found the road flooded, Bonny Trevor and Andy went through but Andy got his feet wet, and I gingerly went along a narrow bit of grass at the side and kept my feet and motor dry.

From Millbrook we went along a narrow lane that run parallel to the coast, I had intended to go to Narkurs then back, but we thought rain was coming in soon so I decided to head back to St John again, but it did stay dry all day. At the Torpoint road, Andy made his way back to Plympton, Bonny wanted to get a few more miles in to aid her fitness. Trevor and myself visited the pub in Wilcove, again a gastro establishment but not before going down a muddy rocky and slippy path and I think it was there that I got my puncture because when coming out I found that my tyre was flat. After repairs, it was back to the ferry and it was still dry. 25 miles covered, more for others, well done.

Graham Black 

  Rattery--Landscove & Beyond  11/11/23     Trevor Bradshaw


      Changed day for this weeks ride to Saturday as Sundays forecast looked a bit grim, also a bit thin on the ground with only 3 riders, Myself, Graham & Bonny. Still a nice sunny day although a bit chilly as we set off heading for Wrangaton dodging the speeding traffic zooming past. So it was a relief to turn off a the garage at Wrangaton on to quiet lanes. From here it was through South Brent & onto Harbourneford were we met our first river crossing, it was flooded in the dip, though thankfully not to deep. From here a small climb before taking the turn for Rattery, there was plenty of debris & standing water on the lanes. Passing through the village it was then uphill & down dale towards Staverton. Coming down one hill I discovered how slippy & greasy the lanes were, (going to fast as usual) applying my brake to slow down a bit, my rear wheel decided to do a dance. luckily I managed to slide to a stop against the high bank at the side of the road, with much praise from Bonny. We crossed the main road and started the descent to cross the old bridge over the river Dart & passed Staverton station. Taking a left onto a new lane for us we headed for Landscove arriving at the garden centre for our first stop. We decided to sit inside for a change as a bit damp in the garden, as usual a nice display of cakes on offer, so it was silly not to try one out.

     Back out and on our bikes we took the reverse route which we normally take to Landscove & headed for Pridhamsleigh. It was now overcast but still dry + warmed up a bit, taking in the wide extensive views of the surrounding countryside. Dave would have been pleased it certainly looked like Hill Fort country, with little knolls scattered here & there. On these narrow lanes approaching the Five Lanes junction, along came a tractor & trailer completely blocking are way. The driver jumped out & told us to get into a field out the way, he sounded Polish, (what is a Polish farmer doing driving a tractor round the South Hams?) Crisis over, we descended the long hill to Pridhamsleigh then on to Buckfastleigh. From here it was the usual route back to South Brent were we ducked into "The Pack horse inn" for a nice pint.
    It was then back to the start to say our goodbyes after 32 miles & a nice dry day, although now turning a bit chilly again.


  Dobwalls-Looe-Hessenford & Beyond        Larry Clarke  5/11/23


Riders: Trevor, Paddy, Graham B & myself. Weather: Dry & cold to start, then light showers, turning heavy, through the day, with rainbows.

There were four of us out today, and it was nice to see Paddy, out on his single chainring bike. Trevor was christening his new rear wheel & freehub. Soon underway, we descended to the River Lyner Valley. On arrival, we all turned left to go along the lane & cross the Ford, which Trevor, & I went through. I believe the others went across the walkway. Not long after we went through St Ive on our way to Pensilva. After a climb, we all turned left heading for the Trevor lane to Trethevy Quoit ( A great Megalithic Chamber Tomb found only in Cornwall, dating between 3,500 -2,500 BC). Here we showed Paddy around as he had not seen the Tomb, before. Soon underway again we climbed up to the Minions road to Redgate. On the way, we came across a manned feed station for the Cornish Marathon 2023. After a bit of a chat we all road on. Now on Redgate Road, we decided to give Golitha Falls a miss & call in at the new farm produce cafe just after Dobwalls (Penhale Pantry). Whilst here the heavens decided to open up. (Lucky Us)

Now with our rain jackets on we all headed towards St Keyne, Sandplace, & Looe. On arrival in Looe, we sat down & enjoyed our sandwiches etc. watching the biggish waves rolling in. After taking in the views of the sea, etc, we started the steepest, climb of the day. Soon at the top & now heading on the main road to Torpoint, catching a heavy shower. On route, we called in at the Copley Arms in Hessenford to take liquid refreshments, & dry out a bit, by a nice warm fire. Suitably refreshed, we climbed the lane to Bake. Then on to Bethany, Tideford, & finally Defibrillator Hill to Blunts. Lights were mentioned, but as it turned out we arrived back way before lighting up time & with 34 miles on the clock.


   Seaton--St Germans  15/10/23       Graham Black

    Myself, Trevor & David

Start Torpoint Ferry

Just three at the start on a  crisp autumn morning but dry

We managed to find the first stop, Seaton, by going along the coastal road and keeping the sea on the left, so as not to get lost.

Sitting outside the cafe drinking our coffees and looking out to sea where there were paddle boarders and people + dogs playing on the beach.

After the break we headed up Monkey Hill to No Mans Land and across the A38 to Menheniot, my first plan was to have a lunch stop at the pub but it was closed, another casualty of the times. So plan B was to carry on to St Germans, on the way David left us to watch the Rugby semi final match on TV. Trevor and myself had a stop at the Eliot pub in St Germans, Trevor did the honors and bought two pints that cost £9.60, at that I showed my age by remembering with a ten bob note I was able to buy four pints a packet of fags and fish and chips on the way home, Oh hum!

Then it was back to the ferry at about half past three and 38 miles on the clock, it was still dry but a bit cold.

Graham Black

  Bovey--Shaldon--Newton Abbott--Liverton  8/10/23    Trevor Bradshaw

    Riders; Myself, Larry, Graham B & J

    A bit thin on the ground today, what with injuries & people being away, only 4 of us at Bovey Tracey cricket club ground. So it was off to join the cycle path near the roundabout, after about 500 yds had to stop to put a long sleaved top on, it was freezing. Still a sunny warm day was forecast just early morning chill. We came off the cycle path onto a very muddy/shitty lane, the time of year for the farmers muck spreading in full flow. We came out on to a busy road & this was to follow all the way to Kingsteignton, this was unusual for me, but trying out a new route. (not to be repeated) After negotiating across more busy roads & roundabouts we emerged onto quiet lanes heading for the hills up to Hestow Barton & Lutton. Larry said this is a quiet little place but no pub, I said it was more than likely a Hamlet, then round the bend behold a pub, bit to early for a stop. We carried on to Teignmouth golf course, which was very busy with golfers enjoying the sunshine, we had taken a few layers off now as it had started to warm up. Joining the lanes for the downward journey to the sea, we came across a guy warning us of tree cutting ahead. Half expecting to come across lumberjacks up in the trees lopping off branches, we meet a tractor hedge cutting coming towards us in a one car lane. So it was off our bikes to walk back up the hill to find a passing place. When the tractor passed us it was followed by a long line of cars, more than likely irate golfers late for their round of golf. It was then down to the sea & across the bridge to Shaldon were we found a cafe overlooking the Harbour. This was megger busy and a long wait to get served with everyone out enjoying the unusual warm weather.

   Time to hit the road after a pleasant stop, to head on a tried & tested route towards Combeinteignhead & Newton Abbott, this followed the River Teign most of the way. Arriving in Newton Abbot it was dodging the traffic again before re-joining cycle paths & the Templar way. This is always a nice scenic ride bypassing Teigngrace & Leygreen, also there are a couple of new cafes along this route, but I had my thoughts on the pub at Liverton. Just before Heathfields I took a route that took us through Stover Country Park then across, new for us, a bridge over the A38, to cross the roundabout a head for Liverton. Then it was on to The Star Pub for our beer stop, Graham J. decided to carry on back to Bovey, not before telling me it was a crap ride & not up to my usual standard, so that was me told.
  Me, Larry & Graham B. enjoyed a nice welcome pint of Jail Ale  in this nice stopover. After a nice chin wag, we dragged ourselves away to head back to the cricket club start. Only 27 miles on the clock,(not up to my usual standard) but hey-ho, three of us enjoyed it, & we were dryer than last week.


  Plusha--Bodmin Moor Circuit  1/10/23      Larry Clarke


    Riders: Trevor, Graham, Dave N & myself. Weather: On & off Cornish mizzle, with very mild temperatures for the time of year.

     This is Trevor's & myself second attempt at going the other way around Bodmin Moor. Earlier this year, we had to cut short at Golitha Falls due to very heavy rain and low temperatures. Dave made it known to us all he would probably have to leave us at some point due to his knee giving him problems. Soon underway, & with dogged determination, we soon encountered very muddy lanes caused by all the rain of late. Now carrying on with bikes covered with a layer of preserving mud, we soon started climbing towards Minions (This area has a strange eerie feeling about it). Knotted trees with plenty of moss hanging on one side etc. Sheep suddenly appeared from nowhere. Soon we were passing through Minions, with its still-to-be-rebuilt, highest pub, in Cornwall. Now heading down to the elevenses break, at Golitha Falls, we had to zip up against the headwind. On arrival, cars were everywhere. Still, this was a welcoming watering hole. 

     Soon we were suitably refreshed & on our way again & going up towards Wenmouth Cross. On arrival, Dave bid farewell, & headed back to Plusha with his knee problem. So now down to three, we pressed on through St Neot (Of Jenny fame), & on to climb through Mount, to turn right at the crossroads near Cardinham. Soon we passed through the village, of Millpool, & crossed over the A30. We are now heading downhill towards Tresarrett, & on arriving I made a route error & we are now heading towards Blisland, for a welcome break in Trevor's favourite pub (Is that why he didn't say anything).

   After this pleasant unscheduled stop, we took the scenic route to cross Bodmin Moor. & at one point Trevor, & I went through a Ford, to clean our bikes off, as we were on real bikes (Sorry Graham). Then on across Davidstow Moor, then the fast downhill road to Altarnun, Fivelanes, to finish back at Plusha, with 46 miles on the clock, & rather damp riders.


   Newton Ferrers--Holberton  24/9/23      Andy Prideaux

           Sunday's ride would take us to Newton  Ferrers and Holberton, stopping at Newton Ferrers for coffee and lunch at Holberton. At the Grass triangle I was greeted by Dave N, Dave J and Trevor. Heading towards Wiverton followed  by  narrow lanes that lead to Yealmpton. 

On arrival at Yealmpton it was a right turn followed by a left turn about 1/2 a mile on leading to Kitley and a steep climb up the hill eventually leading to Newton Ferrers for refueling with coffee and tea in  The Green Cafe.

Refreshed and ready to go, riding  down Bridgend Hill followed by the creek turning left we were now entering Widey Hill. Halfway up the hill we turned right and entered a track wide enough for an off-road 4x4 which was what we actually met a bit further on. Upwards and onwards arriving at Battisborough Cross it was a right turn leading to Holberton. Arriving there early for the pub opening, Trevor suggested we head for the sea shore to have our lunch break, arriving there we found it was part of the Kitley Estate and signs stating private property, which we ignored, not only us but several dog walkers also.

Heading back to the pub for liquid refreshments based on alcohol, we were joined by 2 other drinkers making a grand total of 6, no wonder pubs are closing, heading home we crossed the A379 leading onto the lanes leading to Ermington the more scenic route  provided by Trevor cutting through the green spaces leading to Ivybridge.

On arrival we bade our farewells to Trevor as we headed for Plympton, having achieved 28 miles in good company.


 Cornish Lanes from Dobwalls  10/9/23    David Newman

     With Graham off to Leicester and Bonny and Val still in Spain there were only 4 of us assembled at the start (Trev, Larry, Dave J and myself) for this car-assisted ride into Cornwall. Incidentally, it was a pleasant surprise to see Les Prior turn up at the start to give us his good wishes. After sharing my proposed route with the others we set off as usual past the Highwayman, along the short cycle path and, after the briefest of contact with the main road, we were soon heading through Trevelmond and up to the attractive St. Pinnock church. We were surprised to discover that the lane up towards the Looe road was still officially closed but, as before, was relatively easy to negotiate as well as offering us a complete traffic-free passage. When we reached the highway Trev shot straight across and disappeared into the undergrowth in order to avoid the detour. More surprising was the fact that he 'beat' us by a couple of minutes! After a thoroughly delightful ride through the Boconnoc Estate we entered some new lanes down to the wonderfully situated St. Winnow Church where we paused for reflection in the churchyard at the edge of the tidal Fowey River.

          After some soul searching we decided against the tricky creek-side route and opted to take the road to the picturesque village of Lerryn with its' pub and cafe. The rising tide only added to general ambience as we ate our lunch on the green. Our exit from almost sea-level inevitably involved us in a long, steady climb but, at least, we were again in unfamiliar lanes. The section after crossing 'ferry road' was so rural that I mistakenly led the group through a farmyard much to the amusement of the farmer! These were tiny lanes but virtually traffic-free. We eventually, after many hard climbs, entered the valley of the West Looe River at Church Bridge a mile or so to the south of the rather isolated village of Herodsfoot which was once famous its' arsenic mines.(now, certainly amongst the cycling fraternity, it is notorious for its' double chevrons!) I am afraid that I was the first to start walking because by now my right knee had become very painful. We finally made it to the top and the familiarity of the return road to Dobwalls. These final 2 miles were easily completed but not before having a final 'cuppa' at our newly discovered Penhale Pantry cafe/farmshop to celebrate a very pleasant days' ride. Only 27 miles - but those hills! 


  Bigbury--Shilstone Barton  3/9/23         Trevor Bradshaw

             Riders: Myself,Graham B.,Dave J.,Graham R., Graham J., Paddy & Geraldine, Sue E., Steve (Ronnie) Biggs

     Arriving at Ivybridge Station car park on a bright sunny day to be greeted by a gaggle of riders. We had some of the `B` team + Paddy had persuaded his wife Geraldine to join us, & we had Steve (Ronnie) Biggs who had done a ride with the B group before. So the 9 of us set off joining the lanes through Filham & beyond heading for Sheepham Bridge, then the back lanes to Modbury. Skirting the main street to join Church Lane passed St George church & the lanes + uphill bits heading for Shearlangstone (upper & lower). Here we dropped Paddy & Geraldine with his wife having had enough of the hills, they shot off to do their own thing, now we were seven. We plodded on to skirt Kingston & the lane heading for St Ann's Chapel, meeting an unusual amount of traffic for this usually quiet lane. one being a Tesco delivery van which we had to squeeze passed in this narrow lane. Arriving in St Annes Chapel we came across a new road bypassing The Pickwick Inn to join the Bigbury Road. Down into Bigbury-On-Sea to be greeted by hundreds of cars jostling for a parking space, I was planning for a coffee stop at the recently reopened cafe on the hill above the car park, but to find it had closed again. So it was weaving through the mass of cars to the cafe in the lower car park for our first stop.

     Fully refreshed with Graham R. having tucked into a bag of chips we negotiated our way through the cars again to join the coastal path down to Challaborough. Here we joined the back lane passed the caravans uphill back to Bigbury & passed the church to join the welcome downhill bit for the Avon Estuary tidal road. I had judged the tides right but the road was still wet & muddy with the ebbing tide. Arriving at Aveton Gifford we lost another rider, Graham R. decided  that he had, had enough, & was going to make his own way back to Plymouth, he had done quite well having rode from home to the start, so he would have clocked up a few miles time he got home. The rest of us carried on taking a route through the park to make our way up to the main road for a short stretch, this can be avoided by taking the Sustrans off road bit, but not wishing to upset a couple of our unsteady riders gave it a miss. Steve on his mountain bike wanted to give it a go, so I told him to meet us at the lane up to Longdon Cross. All together again, we cracked on up hill ( how unusual) in the now really warm weather to make for The Thatches Holiday Village. Swinging a right to make our way towards our second stop at Shilstone Barton, but not before a little off road bit to arrive into the estate and the new cafe.

   I had picked this location because we had an invite to their new cafe with the promise of a 15% discount, so how could we refuse. Also it was the base for "The Devon Rural Archives", which in itself is a facinating place with so much information on days gone by. We were even greeted by the owner of the house & estate, Sebastian Fenwick, who promised us he was ordering new cycle racks for the benefit of visiting cyclists. On arrival who should be there to greet us but, Ted & Dave O. having cycled up from Ivybridge to have a chat. After an interesting stop where we had a poke around the archives stuffed ourselves with cake, Ted organised us into his usual photo shoot.Then in was back to the start via Ugborough & the back lanes to the Rugby club to say our goodbyes after a lovely day. I had one last hill to negotiate to arrive home with just 30 miles on the clock, although Sue E., reckons it was more like 60.



 Pensilva-Siblyback-Liskeard  27/8/23        Larry Clarke


  Riders Bonny, Sue & Trevor, Val & Dave, Graham, Dave N & myself.  Weather-Dry to start then Cornish drizzle in the wind (Felt like Autumn) occasionally.

    Everybody must have thought it was my birthday as there were eight of us out today. Nice to see Val & Dave out. Soon underway in what felt like proper Autumn weather. Dave N kept us all up to date on various things as we progressed along the lane, & through a Ford, & past the National Trust fort on the left & the river Lyner to our right. Soon we crossed the main road between Callington & Liskeard, to resume our ride up to the Farm Shop cafe near Pensilva. Here we enjoyed elevenses outside in the unseasonable weather for the time of year. Dave N gave me a piece of his giant cake, which was very nice. Graham kept us entertained by rocking us back & forth in the outside pod.

    Now with plenty of healthy colours in our cheeks, we set off to take the path around the southern shore of  Siblyback reservoir. Whilst doing the path out in the open, the wind was quite strong & cold. On arrival at Golitha Falls, it was jam-packed with cars everywhere. So getting through & on was a bit tricky. Never mind soon we were on our way again along another quiet lane going towards St Neot. I had other plans & soon we all came to Ashford Bridge over the river Fowey on our way to Dobwalls. As this was a favourite stop for Lunch we all stopped & consumed whatever we had to eat. Soon underway & up a very steep hill, we came to a main road & crossed over onto a cycle path & had to force our way through the flora to Dobwalls. Then down to cross the A38 & then to go up & through British Columbia to Liskeard for light refreshments in the Wetherspoons pub.

    Now minus Val & Dave, together with Dave N who had decided to go ahead without us. We took the usual route back via Doddycross & Tilland Mill, and Defibrillator Hill. On arrival, we had a bit of a chin-wag before departing with 33 miles done. 


Plympton-Buckfasleigh-Totnes 20/8/23       Andy Prideaux

     On arriving at the grass triangle Graham B and Dave N had already arrived, I had arranged to meet Trevor at the Hunting Lodge. The weather was pretty uninspiring to say the least until arriving at Buckfast where it was dry.I thought I'd try a new coffee stop in the town centre having found it, unfortunately it was closed. In the meantime Trevor suggested we try Ben's Farm shop at Staverton where we enjoyed our first coffee stop of the day.

Onwards and upwards following the cycle path to Dartington crossing the busy main road we made our way passing the Schumacher college and the Green Table Cafe before joining the cycle path into Totnes, This is where I made a deliberate mistake (senior moment) and had to do a U turn into Totnes as I was on the Paignton road.On arriving in the town centre Trevor decided to try a new route passing the Sharpham turn off and onto another cycle path/track bringing us out to the main road A381, turning right at the top of the hill we made our way through a series of lanes passing through Harberton and eventually arriving at Avonwick where we stopped for a well earned pint at the Avon Inn, as we sat outside in the beer garden complete with sunshine. Graham was in his element  acting out his dream to drive a tractor, the children could`nt get a look in.

Dave and I said our farewell to Trevor and Graham as we took a more direct route home, whereupon, they took the back route to South Brent. Arriving home at 4pm with 49 miles on the clock an enjoyable day in good company.


Ivybridge to Liverton Circuit  6/8/23       Trevor Bradshaw

Riders: Myself,Sue,Dave,Andy,Larry     

   Just five of us gathered at the station car park on this glorious sunny day, a bonus after yesterdays gales and rain. With no sign of anyone else turning up & with a longer ride  on the cards for today, ( approx. 40 miles) We set off heading for South Brent, Buckfastleigh, Ashburton, top end of Buckfastleigh we stopped to look at the new Electric Car charging station now installed in what was the Salmons Leap cafe. This cafe closed with the onset of the Covid lock down and never recovered, so the site has been derelict for a couple of years. It is now open again as a cafe renamed "Strawberry Fields Cafe" & the charging station is said to be the largest in the South West.
    Onwards & upwards towards Ashburton, travelling through the edge of town to join the cycle path alongside the A38, new territory for us. It was here Andy decided to have a puncture,so a small delay while he repaired it + dodging numerous cyclist using this track. Back mobile again we carried on to cross over the A38 and then swinging a left for Bickington, this again was new to us riding parallel to the A38 passing "Granny Pats" small garden centre, the "Wellcome Stranger" pub & on to our first stop at the "Woodlands Cafe". This was situated in a "Yurt" camping site & served very good coffee, but the cake portions were on the small size, it boasted a roaring Piza oven + judging by the size of the breakfast being consumed by the guy next to us, a large portion breakfast, ( you don`t know what you missed Graham J.) Also there was a band setting up to entertain, which we would sadly miss as we needed to crack on.
   We crossed the A38 again to join, again new lanes for us to make our way to iIsington, these were quite pleasant lanes & just before the village we had our first good climb of the day, Dave enjoyed it so much he had to get off and walk, probably to enjoy the nice woodland views. Through the village we joined a Sustrans 272 route which would take us back to Ashburton, again these were very pleasant lanes. Arriving at the edge of the town I decide to come off my planned route & carry on through the town to retrace our outward journey back to Buckfastleigh so we could visit the new "Strawberry Fields Cafe". This was pretty busy, it has now become a small farm shop as well, with a few cars using there new charging stations. Larry was not impressed he needed to go home for a lay down after he found out what they charged him for coffee.
   Leaving this new venue it was the usual route back to the start, still in beautiful sunshine and now rearly warming up. The only downside is we seemed to be plugging an increase of wind, after an Easterly wind on the way out we thought we would have the wind behind us. But at least it cooled us down. Arriving back at Ivybridge we said our farewells, Sue & I had our last climb to get home to have 41 miles on the clock. What a great day with new territory to explore, time Andy got back to Plympton he would have clocked up around 50 miles. But next time Andy invest in some new inner tubes, the ones you have will not take many more patches.



Into West Looe Valley from Kernow Mill.   2/7/23   Larry Clarke

       Only 4 of us out today (Larry, Dave, Trev and Sue) as we set off from the edge of the woollen mill on a noticeably cooler morning than of late, and it soon became evident why - a brisk north-westerly wind! It was the usual route through Doddycross, Pengover Green and Merrymeet for coffee at Golitha Falls. Early into the ride, approaching from the opposite direction, came a similarly depleted Liskeard Group - like us the more ATB minded members had opted for an off-road audax within the 'china-clay' region. In spite of the aforementioned headwind, we arrived in good time only to find the cafe closed as the owners had gone fishing! After a quick tweak of the route, we were heading down 'scrapyard hill' towards the pub at Dobwalls, where we would surely grab a coffee. But no - not open until midday, so it was onwards and southwards towards Duloe and Looe. No sooner had we mentally readjusted to no caffeine before lunch, we came across a new farm shop, "Penhale Pantry" barely out of Dobwalls. (This is certainly worth another visit, great coffee, sausage rolls & cake + lovely friendly staff.)

       It was actually quite nice and was attended by 6 other road cyclists. So, after feeling suitably refreshed, we continued on our way and were soon descending into the scenic valley of the West Looe River and the pretty hamlet of Watergate. After a few photos, it was up the steep hill to the high-level path through the woods which is designated for cyclists! It was safely negotiated, and we were soon weaving our way through the many pedestrians on our way to Looe's busy seafront, where we ate our sandwiches.

       After managing this feat without any 'air attacks' of pesky seagulls, we attempted the incredibly steep hill up to the Barbican, which proved to be harder than Shutta Lane! Once the unpleasant section of the busy main road to No Man's Land had been ticked off we were safely back on lanes and, after a brief 'catch-up' with the returning Liskeard Group, we sped down Monkey Sanctuary Hill thinking of our second stop at Hessenford's Copley Arms. It was most pleasant seated by the River Seaton but, unfortunately, it became apparent that Larry was not quite himself and, later in the day, tested positive to Covid-19! The tiny lane up to Bake Manor is tough at the best of times but today, for Larry, it must have been like purgatory!

       33 miles and, in spite of us being somewhat depleted, it turned out to be (well, perhaps not for Larry), a most pleasant day. A speedy recovery mate.


  Dave N. for Larry

Landscove--Rattery  25/6/23     Trevor Bradshaw

            Riders:  Myself, Sue B., Dave, Andy, Bonny, Graham J., Sue E.,

    Arrived at the Station car park to be greeted by a gaggle of riders, two of the `B` group decided to join us today, the more the merrier. What a glorious day but with the odd cloud, we set off heading for South Brent via the nice hill under the railway arches at Bittaford. Coming down the lane towards Glazebrook we had our first puncture on Sue B`s. bike, so an unscheduled stop to repair. We took the back lanes via Aish & a rather bumper potholed one before joining proper tarmac on to Harbourneford, then Dean Prior & Buckfastleigh. Taking the  Ashburton road & the first right for Pridhamsleigh then the long climb up to Five Lanes. Joining some more hilly lanes with the odd pothole, we plodded on in now bright sunshine to our first stop at the garden centre at Landscove. This was packed out but we managed to secure seating overlooking the lovely garden, it was time for coffee/tea & to sample the great cakes on offer. Indulging our selves in this lovely setting & a tour for those not having been here before.
   Time to drag ourselves away & hit the road again, this time heading for Staverton, were there was some show going on with a field full of cars, to many people for us, so we crossed the old bridge over the river Dart & climbed up to the main road. Now we joined Sustrans route 2 the up and down lane towards Rattery, on one particular steep section  Andy`s motor decided to pack up. As our next stop was `The Church House Inn` pub he struggled on, pushing & riding so he could give it the once over there. Unfortunately it seemed to have given up the ghost, so it was time to drown his sorrows with some Cider. Again the garden at the pub was packed out with Sunday diners, we assembled in the shade at a table under an awning to put the world to right & sample the beers.
   It wasn't Andy's day, I failed to mention he had a puncture at the top of the hill at Five Lanes. Now he had to figure out how he was going to struggle back home, & decided once we hit the main Marley Head road to head back to South Brent & Plympton that way. I hear he never got home till about 4.30, & punching a head wind from Ivybridge to Plympton. Not a ride to remember in a good way.
  When we all got on our bikes again & left Andy at the main road, we took the back lanes and a round about route to Avonwick, then the tried & tested route to South Brent and back. But not before another drama, my Sue had another puncture about 100 yards from were she had the first one on the way out. What a incident filled day, still we had some glorious weather & two good watering holes, so a ride to remember. Sue & I had just over 30 miles on the clock time we got home, all good fun.


 Buckfast--holne--Shipley bridge   4/6/23                  Andy Prideaux

  Having arrived at the Green Triangle, Graham B had already beaten me to it, followed by Dave. I had already arranged to meet Trevor at the Hunting Lodge, and Sue had decided to join him also. It was a fine June morning complete with blue sky, what else could you ask for as we trundled along the back lanes of Ivybridge, bringing us out by the Rugby club. From there we headed towards Bittaford, Wrangaton and South Brent, giving the village a miss we headed on the old Exeter road and turning left at the next roundabout towards Harbourneford, before long it was a mile downhill to Dean Prior and Buckfastleigh terminating at the Abbey where we had coffee outside overlooking the splendid gardens.

Holne was our destination 3 miles further on, on nice quiet country lanes with hardly any traffic, a cyclists dream. Passing through Scorriton and Michelcombe we arrived at Holne, however, the community shop was open, but the cafe was no longer as it had been put up for sale and the proprietors had taken over the village pub instead. Having finished lunch and putting the world to rights, Trevor took us back on an alternative route which would take us through Buckfast to Shipley Bridge. Prior to that particular diversion, we headed towards Hembury Woods, a honeypot for dog walkers and ramblers.

    Arriving at Shipley the usual coffee wagon was awaiting us, Dave in the meantime had bade his farewells as his battery was in free-fall as he'd surpassed his 35 miles limit. Hope you got back ok Dave? The car park was pretty full to say the least, but we had no trouble parking, arriving on bikes. After refreshments and even having seats provided, it was homeward-bound. An enjoyable day in good company and 43 miles on the clock.


  Callington--Plusha & Beyond       28/5/23          Larry Clarke


           Riders Bonny, Sue, Trevor, Dave, Graham, Paddy & myself.

Weather- Wall-to-wall sunshine with easterly winds. Start Location-Callington.

Graham was first at the start today. Dave managed to arrive last as usual (He must have a problem getting out of bed in the mornings). Soon underway we all headed through & out of Callington town & onto country lanes through Maders, Linkinhorne, Bathpool and North Hill with its church tower still under wraps. Next in line was the lovely rough stuff section to Plusha (Dave & Graham decided to go round by road instead). Here we all watched Bonny go through the Ford on her bike. After this, we all regrouped at Plusha and then headed to Altarnun for a well-deserved late elevenses break, at the Coffee Cup, cafe (Now under new management). A bit of a novelty sitting on church pews I thought. 

Suitably refreshed we all went down to take a look around the local church which was a first for us all (With unusual carvings on the ends of the pews). Then over the clapper bridge again to retrace back to turn sharp left up quite a steep hill after sitting for so long. I commented to Trevor about what a lovely surface it had. Soon we were all descending through Polyphant. We all stopped briefly at the Model Cows for anybody who had not seen them before. Then on to cross the A30 motorway & climb up to Lewannick village. Here Dave left us to head back & get home for an eye appointment that evening. Soon underway again we went along newly discovered lanes to eventually cross the River Inny near Stoke Climsland. Shortly after this, we all turned left onto a lane overgrown & at one point it was very steep (Two chevrons). Then after this climb, we soon came to go through the Duchy Agriculture College grounds. Soon we were passing through Stoke Climsland & climbing the last steep hill of the day, & looking forward to another watering hole in Kelly Bray (The Swingletree pub). On arrival, Paddy had to leave us as he had another engagement to go to.

Suitably refreshed the remaining five of us went over the edge of Kit Hill & finish the ride in full sunshine in Callington car park with 31.4 miles on the computer.


 Brentor Church--Okehampton--Lydford Circuit   21/5/23   Trvor Bradshaw

  Supposed to be Graham B. ride today but he rang in sick, so it was left to me to pick up the reins. Arriving at Brentor church car park with Sue we were greeted by Larry & Bonny, the latter having rode in from Meavy, well done Bonny. Dave N. was in Spain with Niccy soaking up the rain, we had bright blue skies although with a chilly wind but with the prospect of  the temperature building up. With no sign of of anyone else turning up we set off on the Lydford road to take a left at the first junction & headed for Liddaton Down. We had wonderful views all around of the Devon countryside which was to continue on our route to Okehampton. This route was new territory for all of us taking in new hamlets of Lewtrenchard, Orchard Barton,Bratton Clovelly on a typical Devon up & down route with beautiful countryside. Arriving at a place called Boasley Cross which had an old Post Office & a school, but no sign of any houses, quite strange. Up from here we crossed the main A3079 to join our first off road bit on an old branch railway line called the Bude branch from Sourton & Okehampton. It was now named the "Pegasus Trail" this was quite narrow in places but perfectly ridable , we actually met other cyclist, so others had discovered it before us. This off road bit lasted for a couple of miles before we rejoined the A3079 & made our way to Okehampton, were we made our way to the Granite Way Cafe which we discovered a few weeks past.
   We sat out in the sunshine with our drinks & cake with many other folk enjoying this location. Bonny set off on a photographic tour of Okehampton station to take some pictures for this write up, ( eat your heart out Mike)
    Dragging ourselves back on the bikes, to join the Granite Trail towards Meldon Viaduct, from here we decided to take a little detour to the reservoir as none of us other then Bonny had never been to. We spent a happy half hour taking in the views of the surrounding hills and footpaths, a place to revisit for me, Sue & the dog. Making our way from the dam we stopped to admire a field with some very nice small ponies & a little old lady making her way off the moors. She turned out to hail from Dublin although now living in Bristol, she was a very happy interesting character and we had a good chat with her. I think Larry was smitten we had a job dragging him away, well she was about 90 & we know he  has a penchant for old ladies.
   Back on the trail again heading for Lake Viaduct I decided to come off here on the old route through Lake to the main Tavistock to Sourton road, so another small bit of off road, we had to get off our bikes to negotiate a fallen tree at one stage. Crossing the main road we made our way to Bridestowe & then on to Lydford for our second stop and a welcome pint. Again we sat outside in the sunshine in the very busy garden surrounded by some very lovely flowering shrubs, enjoying our beer. Then jumping back on the bikes & headed for Lydford Falls, now it was time for a little bit more of off road & joined the Sustrans route 27 across the moors. It had got very stony & rocky from the last time I did it a few years ago but we plodded on trying to miss the sheep & big holes. I managed to throw myself of down a deep gully, but the others got through unscathed, probably due to taking it more carefully than me. Back on tarmac again and at the junction for North Brentor we said our goodbyes to Bonny, who was going to make her way back to Meavy, although I did offer her a lift-what a trooper. We passed through the village but no happy clapper religious lot singing in the square this time, & made our back to the start.
  What a glorious day lovely sunshine & good company, we even heard a cuckoo on the last off road bit, 35 miles clocked up.


 Eastern edge of Darmoor  7/5/23      David Newman


It was 2 years since we last undertook this ride and I was hoping for some sunshine to light up the magnificent views. At least it was not raining as the 5 of us (Trev, Sue, Dave O, Bonny and myself) set off from the cricket ground at Bovey Tracey and along the old railway line to Moretonhampstead. We exited this lofty moor town on a delightful lane with superb views across to the moor. We actually overtook two ATB riders just before our coffee stop at Chagford! This small stannary town has a lively atmosphere and made a first good stopping point. From here a rather stiff climb took us up onto the moor and the views westwards towards Hamel Down were magnificent. It wasn't long before we were on a tiny road heading towards Widecombe-in-the-Moor. Almost as soon as the 120 foot tower of it's fine 14 century church came into view we were invited to the jolly sounding village pic-nic by an elderly couple - I think probably too many people for Trev and as there was not any sign of an 'old grey mare' we continued on to the pub which, unfortunately, was heaving. It was unanimously decided to carry on up the north-west face of Pudsham Down. I am afraid that I found the 3 chevrons a little too much and I had to pause and take on more oxygen! They say that the views from the top are ample reward but it wasn't until I reached Cold East Cross that I could fully appreciate them!. An excellent descent to Owlacombe Cross left us at the start of a labyrinth of lanes which conveniently led us through to a superb hostelry at Liverton. This was especially good because we could refresh ourselves with the knowledge that we only had a few miles back to the start.

         A tough but enjoyable 30 miles. 


  Challaborough--Loddiswell--California cross  2/5/23      Trevor bradshaw

            Riders; Myself, Larry, Andy, Dave O., Bonny

   Arriving at the station car park I was greeted by Larry & Andy with Bonny tucked up in her usual corner away from prying eyes. Having a chat who should arrive but Ted, come to see us off & catch up with everyone. Dave O. was the next to come out of the woodwork, having not seen him for a while, must be the sunshine that brought them all out. Dave N. was still away in France & Graham B. up in Leicester, my Sue was taking a rest having had an argument with my patio & scrapped her shins. With Ted making us pose for photos before leading us down to the main road to wave us off, we joined the lanes for Filham. Carrying on through the lanes on a tried & tested route to pass Strode Manor Farm & join the ridge road for the Modbury main road. Crossing straight across & over Goutsford Bridge to make our way down to Cottlass Farm, here we had our first off road jaunt. Not to muddy, although Larry had problems with his low clearance mud guards, with a strong smell of Garlic accompanying us we popped out onto tarmac again. Now we headed for Shearlangstone with a bit of up & down terrain to arrive at Kingston. From here it was onto Ringmore then down to the Brummies' cafe at Challaborough, the caravan park was packed with cars for the May bank holiday tourists. We sat with our coffee/tea overlooking the beach with a few brave souls all wrapped up against the chilly wind, flying kites & building sand castles. Noticing for the first time the name of the cafe, "The Friar Tuck", reflections on the owner with his well proportioned belly, been sampling to many of his Fish & Chips.

  Time to tackle the long climb on the back lane up to Bigbury Village, just as we started we came across a lovely sight of a Mallard duck with a brood of about 9-10 baby ducklings waddling down the lane. We tried to get a picture but it panicked and headed  away trying to escape up the high bank edges, so thought it best to ride passed and give it some room. Having reached Bigbury village we took the lane passed the church to join the road down passed "The Oyster Shack" & down to the tidal road to Aveton Gifford. We joined the main road for a bit crossing the River Avon to swing a left on to lanes again heading for Loddiswell. Hitting the Kingsbridge main road to head for the Avon Mill garden center, not bothering to stop here  but climb the very steep hill up to Woodleigh. Then it was on to Preston, Gara Bridge, here admiring the Bluebells up onthe wooded slopes, another slog up hill for California Cross & a pub stop

  Having sampled the beer & cider, on our bikes again down to Brownston, then familiar lanes back to Ermington. Carrying on to Canton were we said our goodbyes to Andy who was heading back to Plympton, we took the track into Filham Park & carried on to Filham & then the Rugby club at Ivybridge. I said my farewells to the others after a great day in the South Hams with nice sunshine, to head back home having clocked up 36 miles, more for Andy, in great company.


  Weir Quay--Walkhampton   16/5/23        Andy Prideaux

   Only 4 at the start including myself, Dave N, and Trevor and Sue. On leaving the grass triangle it was a right turn as we headed down the Ridgeway turning right at the George pub and proceeding down the lane to Moorland road where we picked up Glen road. On reaching the mini roundabout we took a right turn heading on the road for Plymbridge Woods and route 27.Once on the track we were accompanied with the songs of   birds singing to their hearts content and peace and tranquility  once more prevailed. On reaching Bickleigh we departed from the track onto the road leading through lanes to the A386 which was crossed and a series minor roads leading us to  Denham Bridge. The ride up through the lanes of Denham don't get any easier, however, we managed it, slow but sure, at least we didn't have to give way to traffic approaching us. Eventually arriving on the outskirts of Bere Alston it was decided to give Bonny a ring as she arranged that she would meet us at the boat yard at Weir Quay but to no avail. Later on as we approached the lanes almost at the coffee stop suddenly Bonny appeared out of nowhere, so now there were 5 of us.

    After reviving ourselves with teas, coffees and cake we headed towards Tavistock, Whitchurch Down, Samford Spinney arriving at Walkhampton where we partook in further refreshments and alfresco dining. On leaving the pub it would was homeward bound as we bade our farewells to Trevor, Sue & Bonny who made their way home to Meavy & Ivybridge via Cadover Bridge, whereas Myself & Dave made our way onto route 27 once more. An enjoyable day in good company and 42 miles on the clock and even more for Trevor and Sue at Ivybridge.


  Bicton Mill via Dupath Well & Engine house   8/4/23   David Newman

     It was pleasant but breezy as I cycled towards the start and I began to wonder whether the 0930 start might put off our newer members  a tad. When I arrived Andy and Larry were deep in discussion and before I could ascertain the subject Trevor arrived with the news that Graham was about to set off for Leicester and since Bonny had sent me her apologies earlier we duly concluded that there would be no other starters. So, off over the Tamar Bridge with a welcome tail wind and up Saltash Fore Street and on to Hatt where we turned off the busy A388 into quiet lanes, ascended the 'four hills of hell' and then a pleasant pastoral pedal to be re-united with the A388 via  Amy Tree. It was no less busy than previously but in less than a mile we turned right and headed towards Dupath Well which Andy remembers visiting over 30 years ago with Kevin Presland et al. It is certainly the most impressive of all those we've visited to date and the scenic detour was also worthwhile as the spring flowers were almost in full bloom. The stiff climb up Florence Road didn't seem quite as bad as usual owing to the tail wind and the knowledge that our coffee stop was imminent.

               Now, as it was Easter Day bank holiday and Louis' is traditionally closed, some of the regular motor cycle enthusiasts had made "The Engine House" their rendezvous, and we were treated to a couple of vintage Douglas motor cycles one of which was last taxed in 1932!.This was a particular bonus for Andy and Larry who chatted freely with the owners.(photos available below).

        After a rather extended coffee stop we headed off through Maders and Golberdon to tackle an unfamiliar lane through to Gang and St. Ive. The descent to Bicton Mill was spectacular with even more spring flowers and the mill itself was charming. The climb out of this secluded valley was the steepest hill we have encountered for many a week and all four of us certainly took issue with the single chevron depicted on the paper map! when we finally reached Bicton Manor at the top we had all warmed up and we were soon all back on familiar ground (I haven't been this way since the last time) through St. Ive and then traffic free lanes to Clapper Bridge via Crift, the ford and the exquisitely named 'Enquire-the Way'. The long climb up through Tor Wood seemed especially arduous probably due to the strengthening SE wind. We were compensated by the sight of the 'Weary Friar' Inn at Pillaton, and we all felt that it would be rude not to pay him a visit. They were most welcoming and even allowed us sole use of the empty dining room where we could eat our packed lunch without resorting to the usual subterfuge. It was another pleasant interlude and, as usual, we put the 'world to rights'.

         The journey back was uneventful as as we, more or less, retraced our route. Although it was a relatively early finish - 1415 I had 33 miles on the clock and many pleasant memories. Thanks for your company,    Dave. 

 Brentor--Okehampton--Bridestowe  2/4/23    Trevor Bradshaw

         Riders: Myself, Sue, Larry, Graham, Paddy

   The drive to the start at Brentor church car park was with blue skies & bright sunshine, when we got there it was overcast & quite chilly, we were thinking of putting on extra layers. Setting off towards North Brentor hoping it would warm up, arriving in the village we where greeted by a group of Bible punchers gathered round the cross in the square singing their hearts out. A couple were dressed all in white like Druids, the rest clutching hymn sheets & crosses made of twigs, don't know what religion they where, but couldn't have been Druids or else they would have been gathered round a lump of granite & sacrificing a virgin. Anyway we left them to it and plodded on, my aim was to do a bit of off road bypassing the main road for Lydford, but on arrival at the track it looked a bit yucky after all the rain we have had, so kept on the lane to rejoin the Lydford road. Then it was up hill & down dale to pass through the village passed the pub to join the cycle track at the start of the Granite trail for Okehampton. Back on level terrain, we continued on along this pleasant trail admiring the extensive views of the Dartmoor country side. It wasn't long before we arrived at Lake Viaduct were we stopped to look down at the precipice views to the valley bellow & the hills & Tors to our right, of the moors. Mounted & peddling again heading for Sourton passing fellow cyclists & dog walkers in the now pleasant sunshine, our next stop was at the Meldon Viaduct To look towards Meldon Dam. This Viaduct spans 165 metres over the remains of mineral mines & 50 metres high, down below is Meldon Pool the old limestone mine that still has 2 lime kilns. Still enough of the history lesson, it was on towards Okehampton, arriving at the station I decided to try the new Granite Way cafe next to the YHA hostel for our first coffee break. This is also  bike hire & repair shop with cheap food, Graham decided to have a little snack, ( see photo) well worth a visit.
    After a pleasant half hour waiting for Graham to finish his snack, plus chatting to the bike hire lady & admiring the "Giant" ebikes on offer. We set off to pass through the town and up a long very steep hill thanks to Plotaroute, to join the Holsworthy road, which was a `A` road, but quiet with still extensive views of the country side. It wasn't long before we turned off into lanes again and headed for Bridestowe & The White Hart Inn for our beer stop. We sat outside by a babbling brook admiring the village life, Bridestowes claim to fame is "The Trafalger Way" ( again see photo) it was passed through by messenger's from Falmouth to London to announce the victory at Trafalger & Nelsons death. While we enjoyed our beers & lunch, Paddy spent his time fiddling with his new bike trying to get his Indexing right on his rear cassette, with comments from me & Larry.
  Time for the final leg, joining the lanes again to pass under the A30  onwards towards Chillaton, just before the village we turned off to head for Brentor. Still on lovely lanes, thanks to Plotaroute, we passed by Liddaton Down another beauty spot, to arrive at the road back to the start at Brentor church car park. What a grand day, I think everyone enjoyed it & we had about 33 miles on the clock.


  Landscove--Holberton--Ivybridge   26/3/23      Trevor Bradshaw

            Riders; Graham ,Bonny & Myself   

      A bit thin on the ground today, just the three of us, Andy turned up but had a problem with his motor/battery so rode back to Plympton to try and fix it. Still a nice sunny day so we set off for Bittaford & under the railway arches to tackle the small hill up to Moorhaven. From there we joined the lanes for Owley, just passed Cheston I decided to tackle a lane that I hadn't been down since Andy Easton was riding with us. I new its surface had been deteriorating over the years, but the first half was like riding off road, with lots of mud & potholes, Graham nearly came off his bike but luckily stopped upright. Back on solid surface again we headed for Aish & the outskirts of South Brent then on to Harbourneford, by now it had started to really warm up, so it was time to shed a layer. The usual route to Buckfastlieigh & then to join the Ashburton road, at this junction we noticed work going on at the old "Salmons Leap" cafe, they are installing a load of electric car charging points, so perhaps we will have a new cafe to visit soon. ( don't know if you will able to charge your ebikes though) We continued on to Pridhamsleigh and to tackle the long hill up to Five lanes junction, it was then up hill & down dale to the farm shop at Landscove. As it was still sunny & warm we sat in the garden of this little Oasis, listening to the birds + the crows in the rookery & admiring the spring blooms, the first bluebells of season were in flower.
   We exited the gardens through the lovely church yard to join the road to Tidewell & head for Staverton Station, the cloud had started to form & we had an early April shower. Crossing the old bridge over the river Dart, it was up hill to join the cycle path to Dartington then up another small hill to the "Cott Inn". Taking the turning behind the pub we negotiated the lanes to the main road from Avonwick to join this for half a mile before swinging a left to join the lanes again. This second half of the ride from Landscove I had intended to do a couple of off road bits, but due to all the rain we have had lately decide to stick to tarmac. Anyway after turning off the main road it was to tackle a steady up hill bit for about a mile, to join a lane with great views over the South Hams towards Haytor. We continued on to the village of Harberton & the nice pub for our second break. The pub was packed with Sunday diners so we sat in the tent outside listening to another April shower- good timing.
    After a nice pint, it was out into the now sunshine to do the final leg back to Ivybridge. This was on the tried and tested route down Yogi hill & the lanes to Avonwick, South Brent & on to the finish at Ivybridge Station car park. What a glorious day just like spring, will have to dig the shorts & sandals out, saying farewell to Graham & Bonny I headed home up the last hill of the day after a very enjoyable 34 miles.


  Seaton-Liskeard-Doddycross-Blunts  19/3/23           Larry clarke


                 Riders Bonny, Val & Dave, Sue & Trevor, Dave N & myself.
  Weather-Dry, Overcast, Mild temperatures, Light breezes. Start location-Blunts.

   I thought I had arrived nice & early, only to find Bonny had already been there half an hour before me. Then I had only just gotten my bike sorted out when the others started to arrive one by one. It was not long before 10 AM arrived & saw us all venturing forth along dry country lanes for a change. A pleasant undulating route soon brought us all to start the first big climb of the day, up to pass through the charming village of St Germans. After this, we soon arrived at Polbathic to face the first major climb of the day. This was the first time any of us had gone up it ( At least two miles of climbing) but ever so lovely to go down. Then afterwards we all went down the steep hill, & through Downderry to arrive at Seaton for our elevenses stop. Unfortunately, we all forgot it was Mothering Sunday. (Packed)
  So after an hour of waiting to be served, & consuming our drinks etc we managed to get going again, up the second major climb (Monkey Sanctuary hill) of the day. This lane brought us all to No Man`s Land. So after managing to navigate across the motorway out of Looe we ascended to pass by a nice viewpoint of the area (Only when time permitting). Then on, to go along the lane through Tregarland, which was a first for everyone except myself. We then all went along the lane to the St Keynes Holy wishing well. Here a short stop was taken as Dave N gave out his knowledge about it.(all falling asleep) After this, we passed through the pleasant village of St Keyne. Then on up to the ridge road to Dobwalls. But just before Dobwalls we took a right turning along another new lane for many. Shortly after coming out onto the usual roads into Liskeard for a welcome pub stop. Here Dave N left us as he had an early evening meeting in Plymouth.
   So after a pleasant half hour or so in the pub, the usual route to Blunts was taken via Pengover Green, Doddycross & Tilland. After a bit of banter in the car park at Blunts with a local cyclist, which we hope to recruit, we all departed for our various homes, with 33 miles done.


  Into The Luxulyan Valley from Dobwalls     5/3/23       David Newman

    As Larry and I arrived at the Memorial Hall to be met by Trev, Bonny, Graham and, to great surprise (and delight) Paddy who was sporting a pristine retro bike which had been updated to reflect modern trends such as lower gearing and ergo levers. Further pleasure ensued when Valerie and Dave Jordan arrived after experiencing some difficulty finding us. We eventually set off with an almost unprecedented 8 - sad not to have had Sue B who was suffering from a heavy cold. The temperature was only 3 degrees but with little wind it felt bearable. After passing the quaint St. Pinnock church and beautifully cleaned school I am afraid that I sailed straight past a 'road ahead closed' sign only to be rightly called back by Trevor. One can usually negotiate obstructions with a bicycle so we duly gambled. The 'culprit' was a large uprooted tree which claimed part of the road surface! We were thus able to continue safely on our way towards the 'B' road where immediately opposite a short green lane cuts off an uninteresting detour. It certainly looked inviting but Bonny wisely suggested that from her recent experience that we give it a miss until later in the year. However, we were soon entering the Boconnoc estate by Horsepool Lodge and what a gem this proved to be as we freewheeled through the Obelisk Plantation and into the open parkland. We cautiously circumnavigated the stately home and then began to climb up into the deer park where we briefly glimpsed a herd of these rather shy creatures. I was truly amazed at the quality of the road surface and it only deteriorated in the last 50 metres before our exit at Buckshead. From here it was an easy three miles to coffee in the centre of Lostwithiel.

    After a convivial elevenses in a pleasant cafe we immediately had to climb up a steep hill to reach the mast where there were commanding views across the Fowey and out to the English Channel. The severity of the climb was all the more surprising as there was no chevron on my paper map! More pretty lanes with one attractive sunken section and we soon speeding down to the large village of Tywardreath (house on the strand). The next part of our ride took us through a reclaimed part of the former china clay country with grassland and ornamental lake as well as following the railway into St. Blazey. Unfortunately my route today necessitated a short section of the busy A390 but we were soon back on familiar lanes as we climbed up to the beautifully situated Prideaux House where we regrouped and posed for photographs for the benefit of Andy! The continuation of this lane led us into the popular Luxulyan valley where we ate our sandwiches beneath the iconic Treffry Viaduct. This magnificent structure not only carries the Par to Newquay railway but also doubles as an aqueduct, Apparently it is actually possible to walk across the top. There is much information about both structure and engineer on the internet. After climbing up the hill into Luxulyan village our next port of call was the splendid well which Val showed us. I have cycled through the village on at least 3 occasions and was unaware of its existence - thanks! Our route from here took us through some attractive boulder strewn countryside with only the roughest of pasture. We kept getting glimpses of Helman Tor before we traversed the wetland of the Breney Common on an unusually flat road which Larry recollected from a previous audax. A  bit of a climb along the metalled section of the Saints Way brought us out by the interesting sign posts. After more photos it was an easy ride to our tea stop at Lanhydrock.

     Another pleasant cafe stop made even more so by seeing Julie Laing and Mike. She was club secretary for a while during Graham's halcyon days before knee problems. She seemed very pleased to see us and we passed a pleasant quarter of an hour. I asked Paddy to lead us through the grounds to Respryn Bridge instead the usual route by road. A quick glance at the Cornish cross in the garden of the house at the road junction and it was the long slog up onto Bofarnel Downs. Suddenly, lo and behold, Trevor was riding parallel to us but he was in the woods! He was probably grabbing a last bit of excitement before the A390 back to the cars. The temperature was now dropping and we only had thoughts of a warm as we pedalled head down through West, Middle and East Taphouse. I believe that the ride was enjoyed by all and I thoroughly enjoyed your company. Just under 33 miles on the clock.

  Just one more thing: Paddy will be starting his DJ sessions at the Bread and Roses pub in Ebrington Street. As it 3 to 6 on Sunday afternoons shall we call in for a drink after Larry's ride? I think Niccy would join us.


   Lee Moor--Burrator--Whitchurch--Clearbrook  26/2/23     Graham  Black


                    Riders Sue and Trevor, 3 David's, Andy and myself.

     It was a bright but cold start at the Green Triangle, then it was a gradual climb as we headed for Cornwood via Sparkwell. On reaching Cornwood we then went through Wotter passing by the Moorland Hotel with good views of Penlee Point and the Sound. Then taking a right turn to Cadover Bridge and on to Sheepstor down a steep decent, then it was a pleasant flat ride around Burrator Reservoir passing the car park on the east side, with many cars of people enjoying a walk on the Moors. It was then a steep climb crossing the Princetown Road, we then made our way to Samford Spinney with a few ups and downs on the way, the dropping down to Whitchurch passing the golf course. This was the first stop of the day was at the Whitchurch Inn, where it appeared that most of the village was inside the Pub, so we had to sit outside but we could eat our sandwiches!

  After the stop we headed down to the Drakes Trail, then at Horrabridge I lost some of my riders, Trevor and Sue, David O. and myself made our way to Crapstone, crossing the the Yelverton Road and back on the trail at Clearbrook,I found the rest of the group but not for long, David's battery was getting low so he and Andy, David J decided to make their way back down the trail to Plympton. Sue and Trevor, David O. and myself made our way through Clearbrook village then over the Cadover Bridge for the second time today. I had not intended to stop at the Moorland Hotel but Trevor had made an executive decision to stop for a pint, so I thought it would of been rude of me to object. What a difference to our first stop because inside there was only a young couple in the corner and it was warm and had comfortable seats with views looking over the Sound. We became aware that we were getting too comfortable and joked that we should get a taxi back but eventually we had to bite the bullet and go back out into the cold.

   Sue, Trevor and David O.then made their way back to Ivybridge and I peeled right at the Col du Lee Moor taking me down passed the Hemerdon Mine back to Plympton.43 miles for me and some more or less for others. By the time I got back home it was 5 o'clock, so a full day with good company.


  St John-- Crafthole--St Germans--Seaton  19/2/23         Dave Jordon

           Ride participants: Dave J, Trevor, Sue, Dave N, Andy, Graham, Bonny

     The ride started out at 10:00 from the Torpoint side of the ferry. Bonny had caught an earlier ferry across so that she could park in the free carpark opposite the sports centre. As I had to cycle past there from home to the ferry, we cycled to the start together. The weather was much better than it has been for the past few misty, drizzly days, with the promise of sunshine and a touch of spring in the air. We set off through Torpoint and headed to St John, negotiating the hill there rather than going through the ford. From there we went up Sunhill Lane towards the top of Anthony. Peeling off towards Kerslake made a bit of a change from the usual route to Crafthole, although the mud on the road from tractors made the cycling a bit precarious. Once back on the coast road it was plain sailing through Higher Treddis and down the hill to Polbathic. Across the busy A374 and up the hill to St Germans, we managed to cycle straight past the Eliot Arms. Onwards towards Trerulefoot, back over the A374 and past Bake Lakes to Hessenford. It was a pleasant cycle along the river to Seaton but we had to stop a few times to let a huge number of cars through the narrow highway. We found out where most of them were going to when we got to the cafe.
   Suitable refreshed but with cafe legs;, we set off after lunch to negotiate the hill out of Downderry. It was lovely and sunny on coast road with buzzards thermaling and even the odd kestrel hunting over the cliff tops. We took a slight detour from the planned route home, to include the bumpy green lane at Wilcove. Somehow Trevor managed to get in front and we ended up at the Wilcove Inn where we had refreshments to end the ride.
  A most enjoyable ride with excellent company - and a lovely teaser of spring. 29 miles done


  Aveton Gifford--Loddiswell--Ring Feeder Cafe  12/2/23        Trevor Bradshaw

                 Riders: Graham B., Andy, Dave N., Dave O., Bonny & Myself

         6 of us gathered at the Railway station car park on a dull but dry day, Dave & Val were off walking in the Lakes, no sign of Paddy, my Sue was looking after granddaughter. So we set off into the lanes around Filham heading to skirt Penquit & on to join the main Ugborough-Ermington road. A short stretch before swinging a right to head uphill & then downhill for Sheepham bridge. It was now a long climb up to Mary Cross avoiding the morning horse riders & to join route 28 heading for the Thatches holiday park, noticing they are now advertising a cafe cake shop, noted for future reference. We continued to follow the Sustrans route 28 towards  Aveton Gifford, coming down one of the lanes, Dave O. decided to have a argument with a pothole which threw him off his bike. We waited at the Track, still route 28, that led to Aveton for him to catch up, looking at the muddy track, there were no takers to tackle it, so I led them the main road way to Aveton. From here we headed up church hill & a long climb before taking a right on a lane that took us to the industrial estate just before Loddiswell. It was now a matter of weaving through the village & down the long hill to arrive at the Avon Mill garden center & our first stop. Inside was quite busy but we opted to sit outside under the large canopy with rugs & blankets on the chairs to keep us warm.
   After coffee/tea & cake Dave N. said he was setting off back to support Niccy with her guests, off course nothing was mentioned about thumbs. The rest of us set off to tackle another long hill up to Woodleigh then meandered round the lanes towards Preston Combe. It was then this time, down a long hill for Gara bridge, before tackling the climb up to California Cross. Giving everyone the choice between the pub or the Ring Feeder cafe, to my disappointment they chose the Ring Feeder. We were quite surprised to find they had taken the Tent/marque down, asking one of the waitresses she said because it was to cold this time of year for people to sit in it. As it was very busy inside she said we would have to sit outside anyway in the little cubby come air raid shelter, but it turned out to be nice and cosy out of  what was now a cold wind. The sun had now decided to make brief appearances, although the wind had increased slightly & quite cold.
    Time to tackle the last leg back, which meant the main road for a couple of miles, before we could turn off in to the lanes again. It was on this first lane that Dave O. had his second drama of the day, he had a puncture. We all gathered round to help, but on producing his spare innertube, he found that he had packed a mounting bike innertube by mistake. Luckily, I had one that would fit, so back rolling again, we set off for the final bit back to Ivybridge. Saying my goodbyes I headed home in what was now bright sunshine after another enjoyable ride in good company, just 28.6 miles on the clock.



 Liskeard--Dozmary Pool--Redgate--Trerulefoot  5/2/23     Larry Clarke


                Riders Bonny, Val & Dave, Trevor & Sue, Dave N, Graham B & myself.

Weather- Full Sun, Light Breezes & Cold Temperatures. Start Location-Trerulefoot. 

      Dave & I thought we would be arriving first. So it was a pleasant surprise to see that everybody else had arrived nice & early for the ride. We got underway around ten as nobody else was likely to turn up. Soon going along the usual route to Bethany, then descending down to go along the A38 a short distance, before coming off onto the Looe road. After a while, we went over a crossroads into proper Trevor Lanes. Now with the smell of the country in our lungs we soon passed through the Hamlet of Trewidland, descending steep lanes to follow alongside the East Looe River, & the railway line to Liskeard. Then we soon came to the long climb up to Liskeard town for our elevenses stop in their Wetherspoon pub.

     After what seemed a very long stop in the warm we all eventually re-mounted our trusty steeds & set off for British Columbia, along more Trevor lanes. On arrival at the entrance to BC, both Trevor & Bonny declined the opportunity to go rough stuffing it through the woods. I don't think they wanted to meet up with us at the other end, with both of them, & their bikes covered in mud. Soon we all arrived at Dobwalls, then on to more Trevor lanes to go down to cross the bridge over the river Fowey. Then we came to the steepest climb of the day, after which we soon came to another climb up to Colliford Lake, which is yes you guessed it still way down on what its winter water level should be. Going along we passed Highland cattle, before turning right just after Dozmary Pool. After a very steep descent, we turned right to go alongside the river Fowey to Redgate. Just before Redgate Bonny suffered a puncture, so Trevor came to her rescue. Some stayed with them whilst three of us went on to seek warmth in the "Crows Nest" pub. On arrival, we discovered it was not open today. So after a brief stop in the sunshine outside, the other riders in the group turned up.
  Val & Dave left to go back their own way whilst Dave lead the rest of us the way to Merrymeet, & then we all went the usual route back to Trerulefoot via Pengover Green & Doddycross. On our return, Val & Dave were still in the car park. So after a bit of banter, we all headed home with 38.8 miles on the clock.


  Yelverton--walkhamton--tavistock   29/1/23   Andy Prideaux

        There were 6 of us at the start they included myself, Graham B, Dave N, Trevor, Dave and Val. The weather forecast was again misleading instead of being dry we had drizzle and grey skies, surprise, surprise! Sunday's ride should have been Princetown in theory, however, that was soon changed to Yelverton and beyond, on arriving at Wotter Trevor  decided he'd had enough so peeled off to do his own thing. The rest of us continued to Yelverton to warm up at Scarlet's  cafe, by the time we'd finished the weather had take a turn for the better so we decided to plod on to Tavistock via Walkhampton, Huckworthy bridge etc, Having meandered through lanes and hills we arrived at Plasterdown Common were the usual meet of model plane enthusiasts were congregated, further on we passed through Whitchurch common leading on to Tavistock, our destination. By now it was heading towards lunch time at Morrisons via Tavi meadows and the cycle track behind Tavi comprehensive. Prior to our departure 3 of the bikes had been locked together, however, there was a slight problem the key was missing, eventually mission accomplished as it was in a certain unnamed  person's lunch box, and it wasn't me. Heading out of Tavi onto Drakes Trail to Yelverton then followed by route 27 to Clearbrook and home via Pym Valley, A distance of 35 enjoyable miles, apart from the rain.


  Blunts to East of Bodmin Moor   22/1/23         David Newman


          As the clock ticked on towards 10 AM there were only 3 of us in the carpark at Blunts - Larry, Graham B and myself. No further members arrived so we set off north- west towards St. Ive in fairly dull conditions although, for a few brief moments, we had sunshine and it felt really good to be out on our bikes in relative comfort. It quickly clouded over but as we were continually climbing we were not really aware of the relative drop in temperature. We followed the usual route through St. Ive cross and Gang but instead of Pensilva we followed some lesser known lanes through the tiny hamlets of Charaton and Ley through to Caradon Town where we paused to admire the ducks on their rather splendid pond. We headed into another little known lane - virgin territory for Larry - which lead us almost to Darley Ford from where we subsequently climbed up to the very edge the moor at the pretty little village of Henwood  which afforded us another photo opportunity.(Two stops within the first 12 miles we must have been feeling the lack of Trevor's presence!) Onward and upward through a very scenic tract of mossy boulder strewn country before emerging onto the windswept moor with spectacular panoramic views of this once prolific mining district. We entered Cornwall's highest village, Minions, and discovered the the post office cafe was open and very much thriving!
            After quite a lengthy coffee stop we departed the village to discover, almost immediately, that the temperature had plummeted noticeably - probably due the altitude and our indoor break. We descended quite rapidly through the Treamars before the pretty lane to Rosecradoc and the 'B' road from Liskeard to Launceston. By now we were really feeling the cold so we unanimously agreed to shorten our route by taking the rather hilly lane due east to Gang from where we duly retraced our route back to our vehicles at Blunts.(with Trev in mind we just couldn't resist saying "I haven't been through St. Ive since this morning! We were still feeling cold as we loaded up our bikes and although only 23 miles on the clock there were a number of stiff climbs. In spite of the cold it was nice to be out on our bikes after the recent cancellations. Thanks to Larry and Graham for their company. 

.Post Script: It seems that the weather to the east of the Tamar was quite sunny for the majority of the morning so apologies if we three were sounding like wimps. Perhaps by next week we shall have a few more of our regulars back in action and  it will feel a little more convivial.


  California Cross-- DipTford--South Brent    1/1/23       Trevor Bradshaw

Riders - Myself, Andy, Bonny, Paddy, Dave & Val

      Six of us gathered at the station car park on this overcast but dry day, after the deluge of the day before. Our first ride of the new year 2023. Two of our usual riders were away in foreign lands, Dave N. in Norfolk & Graham B. in Leicester. With the prospect of a lot of standing water, we set of to join the lanes for Coombe Cross to go down the hill for our first river crossing in the shape of a large puddle. It was then to climb the hill and make for Strode & onto the main  drag of the A3121 Ermington road, swinging a left for about 500 yds to take a right & join the lanes again. This was a bit of a climb up what seemed like a river bed with the water cascading down it, complete with the debris of leaves, branches & such like. We came across this on the rest of the ride in the lanes, the result of yesterdays & the previous weeks downpours. Still onwards & upwards to join the ridge road passed Ludbrook Manor, noticing it was no longer flying the Irish tricolour but a defaced union flag, seems the paddy's must have sold up. It was then onto Mary Cross, Yarnacombe and California Cross, straight on at the crossroads & making for Diptford. Through the village making for the Totnes road and to cross over heading for New Cross & Stidston, into the back lanes for South Brent. Then the village and the station cafe, which was to be my one & only stop, to find it closed for New Years day. Plan `B` and down to the pub the "Packhorse"- what a bugger- I was going to have to drink beer instead of coffee, still I could cope. Haven't been in here for years, but still a nice cosy pub with a good selection of real ales, with the landlord making us very welcome.
    The road back from South Brent is usually pass the "Glazebrook House", but with all the rain we have had, I new under the railway bridge was flooded & not passable. So an alternative route was needed, back through the village and onto Aish, swinging a left to head for Owley, then to join the Moorhaven/Bittaford road. It was then a matter of retracing our route back to Ivybridge station car park, to say our farewells after a wet underfoot but dry from the heavens pleasant ride. Time I got home there was 26 miles on the machine & just after arriving home the rain started again, so we timed it just right.


  Liskeard and Back          Larry Clarke                       17/12/22


                                      Riders-Trevor, Dave N, Dave J & myself. Weather-Cloudy, Cold with Black ice about. Start location- Trerulefoot.

      Dave N. & myself arrived with plenty of time to get our bikes ready for the start. Not long after arriving, both Trevor & Dave J. seemed to come in convoy. Little did we know how icy it was going to be today. On leaving the car park I nearly slipped over on the bike. We were heading for Liskeard but I suggested that it might be wise to stick to roads with a fair amount of local traffic. So we all agreed to go the most direct route to Wetherspoons in Liskeard. So we went the usual safer way via Doddycross & Pengover Green. On route, it was a case of following the car tyre tracks left on the road, with areas of ice in evidence on either side of the road. On leaving Pengover Green we descended a very steep hill, & I was in the front & managed to follow the tyre tracks of a car going down very slowly. Going up the other side seemed clear of any icy areas. Soon in Wetherspoons Dave N. bought us all a drink. Trevor let me have a sip of his coffee laced with brandy. I didn't go a lot on that so will be sticking to whisky. We must have been in there for the best part of an hour,- thawing out. Dave said let's not go back the way we came. So he came up with an idea for doing the last part of my route for the day.

     Now thawed out we took to the bikes again heading towards Looe from Liskeard. Soon after, descending a long hill we all branched left into a single-lane road with plenty of ice on & off the road, this was due to us being in a valley alongside a river, not the best route in freezing conditions. On arriving at the first turning left, we stopped to see whether it was worth taking, when a chap coming the other way pulled up in his car. He told us not to go further on down the lane ahead as it was all iced up. He then tried to go up the turning left, but his front wheels just kept sliding round, and had to roll back down. So he then went the way we  had just come from. We in turn walked up the lane, (big hill) thinking it was icy, till we found it was just muddy, so back on our bikes. Soon we all arrived back on the outskirts of Liskeard again. Then went back to Trerulefoot the way we had come to Liskeard, - all best laid plans. I think we were just glad to get back in one piece. Great company just a shame the weather had a big hand in our decision making. We still managed nearly 20 miles.


  Foot Note;  No pictures this week, to busy staying warm & upright.    Trevor

  Nkuku  Cafe--Totnes--Dartington--South Brent      4/12/22       Trevor Bradshaw


Riders:  Myself, Graham B., Bonney, Dave & Val, Paddy    

   6 of us rolled up at the station car park today, there would have been 7 but we missed Andy who battling strong cold head winds was a couple of minutes late. Must remember to wait 5-10 mins before we set off to catch the late arrivals, but why he didn't phone me? I always answer my calls, still food for thought. We did see Dave Oatway who came to say hello, having not seen him for a while, him & wife caught Covid after going on a cruise, now he was suffering from old age with a touch of "Arthritis" in his hip, but said he hoped to join us again in the new year.
  Anyway, the rest of us all wrapped up against a bitterly cold morning, even Bonney didn't have her shorts & T-shirt on. We set off into a bitterly cold easterly wind heading for Wrangaton then swinging a right then left to join the back lane to Avonwick, which gave a little respite from the wind. Onto the main Totnes road & crossing the river Avon to take the second right to join the lanes again making our way to Harberton & tackling Yogi hill before arriving in the village. From here it was on to our first stop at Nkuku cafe come very expensive shop. There were no tables free inside, so we sat outside (good job Dave wasn't with us, he would have had a good moan) it wasn't too bad we were out of the wind & not to cold. After our drinks & cakes, plus a chat with the resident elephant, we retired inside to show our new riders the expensive goods on offer, surprisingly nobody purchased anything, although Bonny saw a nice Pouffe she liked but at £495 thought it a tad to dear.
   Back on our bikes again we swung a left to join a lane with a slight uphill incline, to take the next left at the top onto a bit harder climb. Following this lane passed Luscombe Cross along the ridge, to come out at the A381 the main Totnes-Kingsbridge road. We joined the pavement/cycle path downhill to the first house & taking a right onto a bit of Off-road track to lead us down into Totnes. Making our way through a very quiet Totnes- for a Sunday- towards Morrisons to join the cycle path for Dartington, other than a young boys rugby match going on at the pitch before the station, the cycle path was very quiet, all the Sunday morning walkers sheltering inside against the cold. Arriving at the Green Table Cafe in Dartington which was to be our second stop, it was rammed, that`s were all the people were. With large queues to get served we decided to give it a miss & plug on to South Brent for our second stop.
   So, it was downhill towards the main road to cross over onto the lanes for Week, meandering through these to join the nice long climb up to Willing Cross. From here it was a tried & tested route back to South Brent & to stop at the station cafe. We found a nice comfortable sofa inside to gather round & have a nice chit chat in the warm, with some nice coffee/tea & cakes.
    Coming out into the cold air again we soon warmed up on the usual route back to the start, at least the wind was behind us now. Saying our goodbyes at the station, I headed up one last hill to make my way home, 33 miles on the machine when I got home. A good but chilly day, I think everyone enjoyed the ride, sorry again Andy for leaving you behind.


Calstock & Lower Tamar Valley       27/11/22   David Newman


  There were 12 of us at the Tamar Bridge (yes twelve!) for the start of my ride on a very dull Sunday morning after almost 24 hours of continual rain. in addition to the usual Trev, Larry, Graham B and Andy the two other Grahams and Mike had decided to join us. Two new members: Paddy who had previously ridden with Bonny and Chris who had contacted Graham re-joining the 'B' riders. There was also Sue B but, more surprisingly, the 'E' assisted bikes were outnumbered 7 to 5! It has been quite a while since such a large group of us crossed the Tamar Bridge cycled up the Saltash Fore Street. There was quite a lot of traffic about, so it was a relief to the group to the relative safety of the lanes at Carkeel. They were so wet and muddy, and each steep hill had a torrent of water gushing down on each side of its camber. This was particularly evident after Botus Flemming on the rather scary (for us still with rim brakes) descent to Kingsmill. We avoided the flooded lane towards Landulph Cross and steadily climbed up to Elbridge and back onto the main road for a mile before plunging down to the Tamar at the rather atmospheric Halton quay. the morning mist had not quite cleared giving it a rather eerie look. We ascended more muddy lanes to the estate village of Bohetherick before, once again, descending to reed beds of river - this time at Cotehele Quay. At this point four of the group decided to take their caffeine break in the quayside cafe on account of them needing to get back home for varying reasons. The rest of us struggled up the hilly approach to the National Trust property before joining the path to Calstock. This was so much better than taking the slippery route up by the tiny chapel - thanks for that Trev! and we enjoyed a trouble-free descent to pleasant road along the waterside to our coffee stop in the centre of Calstock village. The refreshments, banter and ambience were all good and we passed a pleasant half an hour.

  After feeling suitably refreshed we set off out of the village and up to join the railway line which we followed in a loop passing evidence of the industrial archaeology of this particular tract of the Tamar valley. We decided against the usual route by the huge quarry and followed a more southerly route through those tiny hamlets nestling in the protective shadow of Hingston Down until Harrowbarrow and the main road. From here it was virtually across to the 'B' road around the northern slope of Kit Hill where, on account of the relative lateness of hour, we unanimously decided to forego the northern loop taking in Stoke Climsland and Bray Shop but opted to continue straight on to the pub at Kelly Bray. However, I happened to notice on passing that the "Old bakery" that it was actually open for business after more than a year of renovation! Now since it is owned by Niccy's niece, and I actually saw her at the counter I felt obliged to take the group in. Thanks, Trev, for abandoning your much anticipated pint! At this point Paddy said his farewells as he needed to be back before his electrical shop closed but he thanked us for the ride and indicated that he would like to join us again. I certainly hope so! The old bakery proved very interesting and Lee, in particular, was enthusiastic in his explanation of the decor and memorabilia. We shall gladly return when the impressive coffee machine is fully functioning, and the crockery is more in evidence.

  The return to the start was fairly routine with just a slight deviation taking in more of Callington than usual before arriving at St. German's Road and after a swift descent tackling Axford Hill which was to be the last major climb of the day. The caffeine was beginning to have an effect in one or two cases, so we were somewhat segregated until fully regrouped at the northern edge of Saltash by Waitrose. Larry and I said our farewells and left Trev, Sue, Bonny and the two remaining Grahams to ride to the finish. In spite of the weather and muddy lanes I think that with almost 33 miles on the clock and many metres climbed a great day was had by all. Thanks for your good company. 


  Newton Ferrers--Holberton     20/11/22      Graham Black


                               At the start there were seven riders Myself, Sue, Trevor, Graham J, Graham R, Dave, and Andy

      We headed for our first stop at Newton Ferrers and the "Cafe on the Green", where we had a pleasant time and now, we are on first names with the management! Then the group travelled on to Noss Mayo, then near the Ship Inn we turn left and went up Bramley Apple Hill and along the coastal route to Holberton, enjoying the sea views through the mist & the rain which was now coming down
        At Holberton, we stopped at the dog friendly and human friendly pub, the "Mildmay Colours", which for the last two visits was never crowded, and we could eat our sandwiches inside in the dry + enjoy the beer cider & tea & coffee. Andy got adopted by the dog, I think it had something to do with his sandwich box.
   On bikes again with now sunny skies, after the second stop we went on to Westlake, down to Ivybridge, then over the A38, here Sue and Trevor headed home also Andy and David decided to head home along the cycle path, A38 route. So, it was left for the two Graham's B and J to finish the ride, and we made our way to Cornwood and on via Des Alps past the Moorland hotel before turning left going past the Farm shop and back to Plympton, via the Borringdon hill, this made it a good circular ride with 33 miles on the clock.
   For some it was rewarded with free Bramley apples, collected from a basket outside a kind person's house at Noss Mayo see David for apple pie recipes.


   Launceston--Five Lanes & Beyond    13/11/22             Larry Clarke


                 Riders-Trevor, Dave N, Dave & Val, Bonny & myself. Weather-Dry & mainly overcast with mild temperatures. Start Location-Callington.

   Out today for the first time were friends of Bonny (Dave & Val). It was nice to be cycling in dry weather after all the rain of late. The route out led us to Kelly Bray, then on towards Launceston via Rezare. This was quite an enjoyable route over mainly quite narrow Trevor lanes with plenty of ups & downs. Soon we arrived at the main road that led us to our elevenses stop at Tesco, in Launceston.
    Suitably refreshed we all re-mounted our cycles & speedily descended to take a very narrow turning left. Which took us along a fairly level lane parallel with the narrow-gauge railway (Which was a quarrying line many years ago). After a while, we left the nice level area & made our way up to the main road at Pipers Pool. Here we all did a quick right & then left to get off the main road to Bude. Now on more narrow lanes again we soon arrived at Five Lanes for a welcome refreshment stop at the Kings Head Hotel. As it was still dry, we sat outside.
     Soon on the way again the route took us under the A30 & back on country lanes. Soon Bonny & Trevor volunteered to do the only bit of rough stuff on the route. The rest of us meet up with them as they came up to where we were waiting for them at a crossroads near Trebartha (Hamlet). Yes, they had plenty of dirt on their bikes. But when I asked if they had done the river crossing. No was the answer because it was in full flow (Too deep). Soon underway again we went through North Hill, then crossed the main road to Liskeard. I had not been this way before, but Dave N had many years ago. So, he took the helm for a while to see us all safely into Linkinhorne. Now on familiar roads we soon found ourselves back at the start with 36 miles on the clock.


  Buckland Abbey--LOPWELL DAM   & Beyond      20/10/22      Andy Prideaux


Three of us arrived at the grass triangle they included Myself, Trevor and Graham B, the B riders were also there heading for their ride to Loddiswell. Contrary to the weather forecast there was no rain/thunder and lightning, Michael Fish springs to mind again!

   The route I had in mind was Cornwood, Lee Moor, Wotter, Cadover Bridge, Yelverton, Buckland Abbey (coffee stop), Lopwell Dam and home via Roborough. However, Trevor suggested an alternative route which   included a bit of off-roading (just for a change) bringing us out at Hemerdon from there onto Lee Moor. Eventually we arrived at the Abbey drinking coffee and generally putting the world to rights.

   On leaving the Abbey it was mainly downhill to Milton Coombe and  Lopwell Dam where we sat and ate lunch whilst watching the wildlife fly over the water. Departing once more through Maristow and the narrows leading to Bellever and Roborough, here we lost Trevor. Having agreed the route to Bickleigh then Shaugh bridge still no sign of him. Deciding he must have gone ahead Graham and I decided to make tracks home via Plym Valley when my mobile suddenly began to ring, "I'm at the Moorlands Hotel having a pint, care to join me," by now nearly home we declined Trev's offer at least we found out where he was. An eventful day with 32 miles on the clock. 

  Ring feeder Farm shop--Shipley Bridge           23/10/22                 Trevor Bradshaw

    Just four of us for this week's ride, Myself, Sue, Dave & Bonny, on a sunny morning after last night's Thunderstorms, but forecast for more rain this afternoon.  With that in mind, not planning to go far today, so we crossed the road to North Filham to join the lanes. It was then on to Combe Cross down hill to our first river crossing, the result of last night's rain. We then skirted Penquit & on to the main Ermington road, along this for a short stretch before swinging a right & making for Sheepham Bridge. Now our first long-drawn-out climb up to Mary Cross, & to join the muddy and debris strewn lanes, making for Brownston. Taking a left to continue climbing up to the California Cross road, left again & on to the Ring Feeder cafe/farm shop. Loads of cars in the car park even this early in the morning, lots of people inside enjoining their fry-ups, also Pumpkins all over the place, with children dressed up in Halloween costumes.
   Fully refreshed, it was time to hit the road again, taking a right to continue on the main `B` road to the next right turn & back on to lanes. It was now a nice downhill stretch to Bickham, before another long climb up to North Huish. From here it was down hill again all the way to Avonwick, crossing the main road for Horsebrook, then another long-drawn-out climb making for Marley Head.
  Negotiating the two roundabouts over the A38 to join the Harbourneford Cross road. At the beginning of this road, there was a large banner advertising a ploughing competition, & before long we came across loads of cars parked in a muddy field, (must be worth a look) Dave & Sue didn't get very far, but Bonny & I carried on through the mud to another field were the Ploughing competition was taking place, With quite a few Tractors & some Shire Horses ploughing up this field, I think Bonny was trying to offer some help & advice, but the old farmers were having none of it.
   Back on to tarmac again with Bonny & me, on very muddy bikes, we headed for Shipley Bridge. On arriving, we found a convenient stream to try to clean off some of the mud. The landscape here was again all churned up, but the guilty party this time were pigs, nobody could sit on the picnic bench as it was marooned in the middle of a quagmire. We were served excellent coffee by Debbie & Tony, who also had a moan about the pigs. By now it had become overcast with the threat of rain, shouldn't be coming to around 3 o`clock & as it was only 13.30, looked as though it was on the way. So time to beat a hasty retreat back home, and we didn't get far along the road before the first drops appeared, it was to stop to put some wet weather tops on. The rain lasted all the way back to the station car park, getting heavier as we approach Ivybridge, (all best laid plans)
   We had a good ride, the morning lovely weather & really warm for the time of year, some of us were riding in shorts & short sleeve tops. By the time Me & Sue got home, thoroughly wet, I had 28.3 miles on the clock.


 Jennicliff-Heybrook Bay-Otter Nurserys     16/10/22                  Trevor Bradshaw


   It was the meeting of two groups today at the grass triangle Plympton the `A` & `B` riders, well 50% of the B group Sue E. & Graham R. With Graham J. had his bike in for repairs & Mike with a bad shoulder having been pushed down an escalator in town by his Mum. Our group was made up of Myself, Sue B, Andy & Dave. So, six of us set off for the back streets of Plympton St Maurice, then to find ourselves at the entrance of Saltram. Coming over the hill into the grounds we could see the car park full of cars even this early in the morning, the sun must have got everyone out of bed early. We were soon on the track alongside the Plym & with the tide fully in, the water was like a mill pond with the sun glistening of the surface & bright blue skies. There were quite a few dog walkers about enjoying this beautiful morning. It wasn't long before we found ourselves crossing the main road at Laira Bridge, then up to the round-about by Morrisons to join the cycle path to Radford Park. By the lake & estuary Sue E. & Graham left us to cycle through the park towards the main road to Hooe, we took the back track to Hooe green where we meet up again. Here, Graham & the two Sue`s proceeded on the road to Jennicliff cafe, me, Andy & Dave took the route through Turnchapel then joined the coastal footpath to Jennicliff cafe. Lots of dog walkers & people on the cliff top + the cafe was quite full

  Fully refreshed it was time to tackle the long climb up to Staddon Heights Golf club, it was then along the lanes to Down Thomas. Carrying on passed The Mussel Inn towards Heybrook Bay & to join the coastal path. With a short climb on track before joining tarmac again, Dave & I took charge of the two Sue`s heavy e-bikes to push them up this short stretch. Having reach the top it was time for a photo shoot with the backdrop of the Mewstone, Wembury, Rame Head & Plymouth breakwater. Another short climb but this time on tarmac, we joined the lanes towards Langdon Court before arriving in Wembury. Turning left by the Odd Wheel pub it was onto Hollacombe & the main Wembury road, and along to the right turn by the Cemetary, here it was on the quiet lane to Otter Nursery's. This was also packed with Sunday shoppers, but we managed to find a table & secretly eat our sandwiches, with Graham tucking into a large bit of Sponge cake.

  Time for the off again, Graham left us to take the more direct route back to St Budeaux, we joined the back lanes for the prettier route for Plympton & Deep Lane. Here Sue & I left to pass the Lyneham pub & then back home to Ivybridge. By now the skies had become overcast with signs of precipitation, so just as well it was a short ride & we had seen the best of the weather in the morning. By the time we got home we had clocked up 30 Miles, the rest must have been just over 20 miles, all in all an enjoyable day & nice to see Sue E. & Graham R. again.


  Helman TOR AND the Fowey Valley                 9/10/22                  David Newman


 Larry and I arrived at Dobwalls nice and early in his new Fabia estate to be greeted by Trevor, Sue, Bonny and, pleasingly, Graham John. We managed to depart quite promptly and were soon heading east on the all too short cycle route. The section of main road through to East Taphouse was unusually quiet and we were soon cycling along more tranquil lanes towards the hamlet of Trecangate. From here we headed almost due south through some particularly attractive traffic-free lanes before climbing up onto the ridge with the route that carries the majority of the traffic through Lanteglos Highway to the Bodinnick ferry. It was the headwind rather than the onrushing motorists which made this section of the ride a little more difficult than usual! We still managed to arrive at our coffee stop at the Ferry Inn before they had officially opened although by the time, they had procured the assorted coffees it was 1130.     

      After reeling from the price increase on the ferry we were quickly cycling up with the traffic towards the ridge road from Fowey. We headed north with a following wind towards the hillfort of Castle D'Or where we turned right to rejoin the Saint's Way having forfeited the earlier section due to excess mud! We met a few walkers on this tarmacked section walking, presumably, from Padstow to Fowey following in the footsteps of St. Petroc. This was particularly hilly and wooded until we arrived at the hamlet of Milltown, here we did an extra side of a triangle to avoid a really steep hill (for those not having e bikes). Up through Lanlivery I noticed a new special school which seemed to have replaced the old residential centre of Churchtown Farm. The next section past through terrain containing many megaliths dotted around boulders and rough pasture until we entered an off-road section of the aforementioned Saint's Way which proved to be very pleasant and not really challenging. It also had the advantage of constant views of Helman Tor just ahead of us which we duly climbed for the panoramic vista which it afforded us. Most of us had never visited this site before so it was particularly pleasing. After this wind-blown interlude we were soon cycling through pretty lanes to Lanhydrock where we had our second stop for refreshments. Although it was quite busy, we enjoyed our stay and thought the prices to be reasonable.

      As we were speeding down to Respryn Bridge I noticed a drop in the temperature, but we soon warmed up with the climb up to the A390 which we crossed to enter the lanes for the final section of the journey which circumnavigated the large Boconnoc Estate through the hamlet of Couch's Mill and Roselyon back to the main road near East Taphouse. Trevor, Sue, Bonny & Larry decided to chance the private road through the Boconnoc estate, with views of deer roaming about, then meeting up with Dave & Graham at East Taphouse. We retraced our steps back to Dobwalls where we all agreed that it had been a pleasant if not tough ride, 38 miles in all. Thanks for the good company. 


Lostwithiel--Cardinham Woods-- St Neot   18/9/22   Larry Clarke 


                          Riders- Dave, Trevor & Myself. Weather- Wall-to-wall sunshine. Start location- Golitha Falls.

  Only three out today. We quickly got underway & soon found ourselves down at British Columbia. Here Dave decided to forego the rough stuff to Looe Mill & went the laneway. Trevor & myself enjoyed it looking at the amount of mud on our bikes, & we both managed to get a foot wet at the river crossing. But we soon got dried up shortly after meeting up with Dave at the bridge over the A38. We soon passed through Dobwalls, and East Taphouse, then I think Trevor was pleased when we again found ourselves on lanes. We then went through Couch`s Mill to Lostwithiel. Both Dave & Trevor had not been this way before so another first for them. A quick coffee break in the only cafe open in Lostwithiel, + all the pubs appeared to be closed. (a place to avoid) 
  Then on to go through Lanhydrock country estate with another short stretch of rough stuff, & then make our way on both cycle paths & roads to Bodmin town. Here we took the steep climb out on Castle Road. Then we crossed over the A30 & got some proper rough stuff done going through Cardinham Woods. We then had a quick lunch break by a babbling brook before climbing again on narrow lanes to go along the last short stretch of rough stuff. Which brought us out on the Mount & St Neot Road. My next stop was the London Inn in St Neot (With a quick look around the village church & the stain glass windows). 

Suitably refreshed we took the usual route back to Golitha falls. All be it very hilly. Nice company & 33 miles on the clock.

  Foot Note:  Doll Saga
Dave wanted to scotch the rumours that he kept a blow-up doll in his spare bedroom, so he brought along the said doll, which - with its life like features was really scary. We didn't want to probe to deeply into his fetish ways, so didn't know if it had skimpy underwear on.

 Blackawton--Dittisham--Bow Bridge  11/09/22   Trevor Bradshaw

  Just four of us at the station car park today, Myself, Sue, David N. & Andy, surprised not to see Graham B. there, probably galivanting off with his mate Norman visiting from Leicester. With the promise of a dry & sometimes sunny day we set off towards Wrangaton then down to Avonwick. Riding alongside the river Avon, which was still low even after the rain we have had, it was then the steep climb up to Diptford with the continuous climb up to Christone Cross. Now on the Moreleigh road we continued on this undulating road to the village, we plodded on to cross the A381 Kingsbridge Road & headed for Blackawton. Passing through this sleepy hamlet we joined more undulating lanes for Bugford & to swing a left on to Batchmore Lane, climbing up to Hemborough Post. Here we stopped for refreshments at the busy Sportsman Inn with coffee`s & Jail Ale to quench our thirst.
  Back in the saddle we headed for Dittisham on this high and picturesque road, with far reaching views to Dartmouth & across to the river Dart to Stoke Gabriel, with Torquay in the distance. At Dittisham we decided not to ride down to the river's edge & the Ferry Inn but continue following the lanes alongside the river and head for Cornworthy. This is a nice lane but with some challenging hills to tackle but rewarding in places of nice views of the river. Onwards & sometimes upwards towards Tuckenhay then to Bow Bridge & another nice pub, The Watermans Arms. The outside seating area was pretty full, with Sunday diners, but we managed to find a table to have our lunch with more beer & coffee.
  Sitting in the sunshine in this nice tranquil setting it was time for a chinwag, - well for us to sit and listen to Dave & pretend to be interested - He did let drop a little snippet though. Apparently, he keeps a doll in his spare bedroom, whether it is one of the blow-up jobs complete with baby doll nightie, who knows? Perhaps he gets lonely when on his own.  (To be continued)
   With our ears ringing it was back on the bikes for the final leg back to Ivybridge. We joined the nice lane towards Harbertonford passing through to join more lanes to skirt Rolster Bridge & on to East Leigh. Then it was the tried & tested route back to Avonwick, South Brent & finally Ivybridge. A great day with good company & dry weather, I had 42 miles on the clock when we got home, Andy would have had a few more having cycled there & back to Plympton.


 Princetown--Merrivale--Walkhampton  28/8/22  Andy Prideaux

  Trevor and Graham B were already at the Ridgeway when I arrived, Dave had rung me saying he was running late and would meet us at the cafe in Princetown. The route would take us down Station road onto Glen road and finally Plymbridge  Woods where we would join the Plym Trail, having travelled through the tunnel we exited the trail and made our way through to Goodameavy up  to Cadover Bridge. Trevor remarked that he'd never actually gone up that road on a bike, but had come down it several times. From Cadover  we rode down to Meavy and the climb to Dousland crossing the main Princetown road and heading down to Walkhampton. Having passed the village pub and turning right it was then another up hill slog on a narrow lane which eventually led to fields leading up to the Puffing Billy trail to Princetown. Now off-road I had my first encounter with terra firma, luckily I landed on soft grass dusted myself off and carried on, the second incident where I  fell I wasn't quite so lucky, but lived to tell the tale. Finally arriving at Princetown having taken the longer route we were greeted by Dave who had taken the more direct route i.e. the road. Trevor had already arrived there and had ordered. Whilst entering the cafe we were pleased to see Graham Brodie and his wife who were camping at Princetown. Having taken lunch it would be the ride back  home via Merrivale, Plasterdown, Samford Spinney and finally the pub at Walkhampton where we were joined by some fellow cyclists and a crowded beer garden.
  Having refreshed ourselves and leaving the pub we bade our farewells to Trevor who kindly bought us all a drink and decided to go the Cadover route which would be more direct for him. whilst we headed back through Yelverton. Clearbrook and onto the cycle trail to Plympton, an enjoyable day with 40 miles on the clock and even more for Trevor.


  Dobwalls to the luxulyan valley 7/8/22 David Newman


  I met Trev, Bonny and Graham at Dobwalls on a beautifully sunny morning with the promise of wall-to-wall sunshine. We manage to find some new lanes almost immediately, but we did make a couple of mistakes, of which one led us, unsuspectingly, into a nice lady's garden! Another 'shortcut' of barely half a mile turned out to be quite technical even by Trevor's standard, but we were soon heading southwards on some lovely traffic free lanes until we joined the road full of motorists speeding through Lanteglos Highway heading towards the Bodinnick Ferry. We detoured the ferry queue and arrived at the pub, where we sat on the terrace overlooking the magnificent port of Fowey. We could see the ferry, so were able to time our exit perfectly!

      Once across to the other side we climbed steadily all the way up to the hill fort at Castle D'Or, but before we could see this impressive pre-historic site, we were speeding down towards the village of Tywardreath (house on the strand) and Par station. Now when I plotted this route based on my previous knowledge of the roads from here to Prideaux woods at the beginning of the aforementioned Luxulyan valley it threw up a number of interesting detours which I realised were probably cycle specific routes. Wow! Thought I, this will earn me some brownie points. Almost as soon as we had left Par station, we were riding along interesting tracks teeming with wildlife. It became more difficult to follow when we reached St. Blazey with it's many tiny back lanes which weren't always well sign posted. We inevitably made a few mistakes and a detour, but we did see the new Eden Project Youth Hostel! It was good to hear that we succeeded where motorists had failed by following their satnavs religiously! And, more importantly, it didn't spoil our appreciation of the Luxulyan valley with the impressive Treffrey Viaduct towering above us whilst eating our packed lunches. The next cluster of narrow lanes through the village and adjacent to a large overgrown quarry seemed remote, with some fields being boulder strewn. The wooded area near the Breney Farm wetlands was flat and amazingly pretty, with the odd stone built cottage suddenly appearing in view. This tranquil section changed abruptly when we reached the old coach road from Reperry cross to Lanhydrock, but not before being amused by the unusual sign post that someone had recently carved! We seemed to have been blessed with a tailwind as we raced towards the aforementioned stately home. No forays through the ground, but as plotaroute took us round past the cricket ground to Respryn Bridge, it had to be the road. There was no ice cream van here this weekend, so it was on up the murderous climb onto Bofarnel Downs and then the straight mile or so to the A390. I had sort of planned to return to the start by using the lanes round Braddock Church as once described by Rob and Bren but, bearing in mind the time and the number of chevrons depicted on the map, I decided to cut our losses and try out the Highwayman pub at Dobwalls. So the main road it was, but it did not detract from a fascinating day out with very nearly 40 miles on the clock. It was a nice change to have a convivial drink at the end of the ride. Next stop Swanage!


 Dartington--Staverton--Ashburton  31/7/22  Trevor Bradshaw


Riders: Myself, Sue B, Dave O, Dave N, Graham B, Andy, Bonny

  We all gathered at the station car park on an overcast day with some drizzle, Andy had got a bit damp with his ride in from Plympton. Off we rode towards Bittaford, swinging a left to tackle the slight incline to Moorhaven. On the way to South Brent, we met Geoff Sharp with a few riders from the SDCTC, so stopped for a chinwag. It was then a variety of lanes before descending into Harbournford, climbing the hill to take a right & another hill to the bridge over the A38. Taking a left to skirt Rattery before arriving at Willing Cross, here we headed on lanes to Week & then crossing the A384 to head up for Dartington Hall. It was now time to tackle a bit of off-road, so I took them through North Wood to arrive at the Staverton road and the bridge over the river Dart. Now time for a photo shoot, but had to wait for the succession of traffic coming in the opposite direction & trying to negotiate the narrow gaps. Over the bridge, we met a group of Mid-Devon club riders, which we had another chinwag with on the way up to the Sea Trout pub. Parting company here, we headed for Woolston Green & Landscove then on a mainly uphill road, here Sue had a nasty fall off her bike, hitting a pothole, Dave P was on hand to administer first aid in the form of plasters on her grazes, before descending on a steep downhill for Ashburton. Coming under a bridge over the A38, it was time for another bit of off-road on a series of paths, some quite narrow, to arrive in the town centre & our first stop at the "Old Exeter Inn". This had recently had a makeover to bring it back to days of old, with its famous history of the arrest of Sir Walter Raleigh.(Look at the Photo with Dave in it, there's a picture of Winston Churchill on his right shoulder, I know he was old but don't think he was around in Walter Raleigh's day.)
    We sat in this Oldly World pub with refreshing pints of beer & assorted drinks, this was very welcome as the weather improved during the morning, with belts of sunshine & very warm. I think we started stripping off the layers on the way to South Brent. Wondering round to take in this old pub, I came across, (as you do) an old running mate from the days running with the Plympton Hash, so another chinwag catching up on old times.
  Dragging ourselves away from this establishment, it was back in the saddle to reverse our route along the paths and some proper off-road bits before arriving back on tarmac again. It was then on the back road to Buckfastleigh & on to Dean Prior, from here it was the tried & tested route through South Brent & back to the Start.
  Good day had by all on a sometimes testing route, plus we all topped up our tans. When I got home, there was 36.1 mile on the meter.

  Note; Sue has  some nasty grazes & bruises on her arms, knee & chin-Of course it was all my fault.

 Pensilva--Minions--Siblyback--Liskeard  24/7/22  Larry Clarke


Riders- Dave, Trevor & Myself. Weather- Windy, Overcast, Cool & drizzle sometimes. Start location- Blunts PL12 5AR.

  Only three out today, so better get started as we had a lot of rough stuff (Trevor's favourite) to get through. So soon we found ourselves doing a spot of rough stuff alongside the River Lynher just before NewBridge. Well, Trevor & I enjoyed it but not so sure about Dave with his slick tyres. Now heading upwards towards Golberdon, which I told them was under road works & totally blocked at one end. So we all enjoyed lanes not explored before. So shortly after crossing the Lynher again, we climbed to Caradon Town on Trevor lanes (Hemmed in from both sides, & with something growing up the middle). On arrival, Trevor did a happy snappy of Ducks on the top of a fence, together with a Black swan in the pond. After a steady climb, we arrived for refreshments at the Pensilva farm shop just short of Tokenbury Corner.

  Now underway again we all managed to get onto the dismantled railway (Rough stuff) to Minions. Trevor seemed to disappear into the distance(I think he needed Bonney for company). Soon the pleasure of off-road was over & shortly we all descended to go around Siblyback Lake (More rough stuff). After which we soon found ourselves Dropping down to enter lanes to Looe Mills. Here we entered British Columbia in a  totally new direction (Real rough stuff). Trevor managed to cross the Ford without getting his feet wet, but Dave & I were not so lucky. Soon we found ourselves in the Wetherspoon pub in Liskeard enjoying refreshments.

  Then all too quickly we followed the usual route to Blunts, to finish with a flurry of Cornish Mizzle. With a very respectable 32.5 miles on the clock.


 Buckfast Abbey--The Island South Brent  17/7/22  Andy Prideaux

     On arriving at the Ridgeway I was surprised to see Graham B as we had arranged to meet at the Hunting Lodge after his knee op; prior to that Dave rang me on his mobile stating he was on the A38 and his bike carrier had unattached itself and he also would meet at-the afore mentioned then appearing also at the Ridgeway, what more surprises could be in store! On arriving at the Hunting Lodge we were met by Trevor and Sue on a hot Sunday morning just as predicted. The ride was to include the Abbey at Buckfastleigh followed by lunch at Totnes, having arrived at the Abbey  and Graham needing resuscitation we unanimously decided to omit the rest of the journey and call it a day.

  Refreshed from liquid intakes and ready to go it was decided we should stop at South Brent for lunch and devour our sandwiches there, on arriving Trevor suggested that "The Island" would make an ideal spot as it was shaded and somewhat of a hidden gem. On arriving we noticed the entry gate was locked so bikes were locked and left outside as we ventured into this hidden gem. Having finished lunch we ventured through shaded trees and picnicker's enjoying the summer sunshine with young children playing in the river. It surpassed our expectations and would certainly rate it!

  On arriving at Ivybridge we bade our farewells to Trevor and Sue as we cycled back to Plympton. A shortened ride but nevertheless 35 enjoyable miles.


 Chagford--Castle Drogo-- Kennick Reservoir  10/7/22  Trevor Bradshaw


       Riders: Myself, Sue B., Andy, Dave O., Bonny, Larry, Graham J., Sue E.

Today we met at Bovey Tracey cricket cub for our joint A&B ride, there was just (2) `B` riders & (6) `A` riders for the start. We set off heading for the park, then under the low bridge over the main road to join the old railway track/cycle path for the start of the Wray Valley Trail. Heading for the lovely village of Lustleigh & joining the cycle path again towards  Moretonhampstead. Arriving at the edge of the village, we swung a left to join the lanes for Chagford, with lots of up & downhill compared to the flatness of the Wray trail.- can't beat a bit of variety. At Chagford we sampled the delights of the  "Three Crowns" public house, sat in the patio area in the shade out of the sun, which was now getting pretty hot. I don't think Graham J. was too impressed when they charged him £6 for a pot of tea, I reminded him he was with the `A` riders now & we don't stop at crap venues like the Wrangaton cafe, plus the beer was much cheaper. than the tea.
   Dragging ourselfs away from this lovely pub-- just don't order a pot of tea-- it was out into the blazing sun to continue our ride. We took the B3206 out of the village for about quarter of a mile before swinging a left back onto lanes, now heading for Castle Drogo & Drewsteignton. Then it was the long downhill stretch to Fingle Bridge, which was chocked with cars & Sunday tourists, crossing the river to join the dirt track. Now when plotting this route I had my doubts about the next section up through the woods, as when on Plotaroute it doesn't show you the state of the track. What convinced me it should be ok, on OS maps it showed it as a bridleway open to all traffic -- according to the map legend. Well it turned out to be a rocky vertical climb, the abled body among us took on a shuttle service of pushing up the heavier e-bikes on what seemed to be a never ending climb. Even though there was lots of grumbling & with cries of I'm going to die, we eventually reached tarmac again. It seemed to be taken in good heart + nobody threatened to shoot me.
  Glad to back on tarmac again, we headed for the reservoirs of, Kennick,Tottiford & Trenchford, in now an even more baking sun, but with beautiful scenic views to our right, over the Wray valley & Moretonhampstead. Arriving at the first reservoir Kennick we found a picnic bench in the shade alongside the water, which the level of water was way down due to the lack of rain, & what a beautiful setting.
  Back in the saddle again, although some proved more difficult to drag away from this lovely spot than others. We skirted the three bodies of water and headed for what proved to be another pretty village of Hennock. It was through here and to head back to Bovey, Larry wanted a last stop here at "Cafe 3 Sixty" the bike cafe, as some had never been before it seemed a good idea. Then it was back to the cricket club to say our farewells, which proved to be an exciting but long day.
  We had clocked up 31.6 miles, but it took us 7 hours to do it, wouldn't have taken half as long if people hadn't decided to take a little walk up the hill from Fingle Bridge. Never got home till about 6 o`clock.



 Cotehele--Calstock--Stoke Climsland--Kelly Bray  3/7/22  David Newman

We appear to have unearthed a different type of leader - one who is 'leader in name only!' Well, I have only myself to blame on this occasion, since I phoned up Larry to discuss with him my proposed route for the forthcoming ride. I outlined a few possibilities to veer from my usual routes and found myself, more or less, agreeing to one of his previous rides through the Cotehele Estate with refreshment breaks at Calstock and the pub at Kelly Bray. He was quickly on to his favourite site and, no sooner had I agreed, Trevor had got it up on the club website for all to see!

I actually took a wrong turn as we set off along the New Road in Saltash and began to wonder whether we have ever had a run's leader who has been lost within the first ten minutes of the start? I managed to catch them up along the Pillmere Valley, and we eventually emerged by the Lidl/McD site and then onto more familiar territory through the lanes to Halton Quay, where we paused for a closer look at this rather pleasant riverside site. Whilst Trevor chatted to new arrivals with their tender, I explored the large grassy quay. There were also canoeists and a couple of paddleboarders on this stretch of the River Tamar. The next point of interest was the ascent up through the woods past the famous little chapel within the Cotehele Estate. It seemed very rocky and, consequently, very slippery after the night's rain. I am afraid that my type of footwear is not really suitable for this type of terrain and I came a bit of a cropper! I was helped to my feet by a passer-by, who then proceeded to wheel my bike to the top of the slope whilst I picked my way on foot - people can be so kind! Well, we were soon sitting in the cafe at Calstock after a short riverside sojourn. The weather had not been very pleasant in spite of the forecast, in fact we had a short shower as we approached the quay at Cotehele.

The various climbs up towards the ridge of Hingston Down warmed us up a little but, on the whole, it was decidedly chilly for early July. Just as we reached the massive stone quarry, we were overtaken by a nice couple out on their pristine Specialised road bikes. We were to meet them later in the day when we were able to communicate further. We altered the route slightly, partly to avoid the rather dangerous descent into Luckett and also because Larry hadn't been through Downgate. Then we could not avoid the steep climb up to Stoke Climsland. We tried to find the track through the Duchy College lands, but had to be content with the lanes. We did, however, manage to find a tiny lane with more than its fair share of grass just before Bray Shop. Nothing much to report except that we enjoyed our drinks at the'Swingle Tree and the tailwind which was especially favourable from Amy Tree to Hatt. Just as Larry had promised us, the newly tarmacked section of road was very welcome! In spite of poor weather, we enjoyed our day of good company and many panoramic views, especially from Hingston Down and Kit Hill. Just the four of us today -Trev, Larry, Andy and myself. 43 miles on the clock.

David Newman

P.S. Just after we bade our farewells at Waitrose Trevor suffered a blow out  on the very last leg of his journey back to his car. It was seemingly a pinch puncture, probably due to a rogue rock!   

 Modbury--Challaborough--Averton Gifford--Calancombe Vineyard 26/6/22  Trevor Bradshaw

   A bit thin on the ground today, just 4 of us, Myself & Sue + Andy & Dave, on this overcast day but with the promise of sunshine. Andy had encountered a shower riding in from Plympton, first thing this morning it was bright blue sky's. It seems funny arriving at the start of a ride & not seeing Graham B. waiting there, hope your recovery after the knee operation is going well.
  We set off joining the lanes through Filham heading for Sheepham Bridge, then it was our first steep hill up to Modbury. Then along Barrack road & to pass St Georges church & join the lanes again. Next it was another very steep hill, I normally avoid this, but I thought everyone was on ebikes & hills do not usually worry me, so what the heck!! But I had forgot how steep it was, & with the lane being a bit wet, my back wheel was slipping trying to get traction, Andy found himself in wrong gear & had to walk. So must remember to give it a miss in future. Now we where on the lanes heading for Shearlangstone ( upper & lower) Passing the edge of Kingston & on our way to Ringmore then Challaborough. We decided to have our first stop here & have a chat with the Brummie owner, who we hadn't seen for over a year. The sun was now shining but it was blowing a hooley, so tried to seek a bit of shelter.
 After refreshment's, it was to tackle the climb & newly constructed coastal path up to Bigbury-on Sea, then the long climb up to Bigbury village. Myself, Dave & Andy admitted we had never done this climb before, always coming the other way downhill, so something else to tick off & never do it again. In the village we passed St Lawrence's Church to join Stakes Hill lane  & the nice downhill stretch to the Avon Estuary road for Averton Gifford. Passing through the park at Averton then the hill up to the main road, which we stayed on for about 800 yds. before hanging a right to join the Sustrans route 28. We followed this to Longdon Cross, with happy memories of when Andy Easton used to ride with us. Andy decided he needed to relieve himself here in a field, saw some horses, went to stroke them with his willy still out & caught it on an electric fence. There where many expletives yelled (not like Andy to swear)
 Relating these happy memories to my fellow rides, it was time to head off again towards Chillaton Cross, then Hangmans Cross, before joining some narrow lanes for Calancombe Vineyard. We where greeted by Lance the owner, who made us very welcome, & got me chatting about our old military days. After sitting in the sunshine & enjoying some excellent coffee,(couldn't afford the wine) it was time to join the narrow lane again, up to hit the California Cross road. From here after a bit of main `B` road, it was the quiet lanes back to Ivybridge.
  Here Sue & I said are goodbyes to Dave & Andy, to tackle one last hill to get back home with just over 32 miles on the machine.


  Seaton--Looe--Watergate--Duloe--Liskeard--Trerulefoot  19/6/22 Larry Clarke



   Riders-Trevor, Dave & myself. Weather-Overcast, cool temperatures, Dry & Breezy. Start location- Trerulefoot PL12 5BL.

  Only three out today, but we all enjoyed ourselves. The usual route to Seaton & Looe. Here we stopped for refreshments in the first pub as you enter East Looe. The lady serving us coffee said it was free as it was Father's Day, so that was an unexpected bonus.
  Soon on our way again, we went rough stuffing it through the woods in West Looe (Here I caught sight of Trevor walking his bike) to come out at Watergate. Then onwards & upwards (Three separate chevrons in very close proximity 1 in 7 to 1 in 5) to pass through the village of Duloe (Graham’s Stone Circle). After the village, we took the first left to Dobwalls. This country road has a good surface which gave us all a good fast ride to Dobwalls. Here we decided to cut our losses & go through British Columbia (lots of pine forest) to Liskeard & seek refreshments in the King Doniert, Wetherspoon pub.
  Suitably refreshed, the three of us took the usual route back to Trerulefoot via Pengover Green, Doddycross & Bethany. With 30.3miles done, & it stayed dry, which was a bonus.


 Shilston--ringfeeder cafe--south brent /andy prideaux 12/6/22


There were eight of us at the start, meeting at the green triangle on  the top of the Ridgeway. The destination of this week's ride was the Ring feeder at California Cross. Having ridden to the Hunting Lodge we were met by Trevor who had devised a new route more suited for cycling and away from traffic, which in a way was  more appropriate and took the strain off me being the leader. On arriving at Shilston Manor, our first feat of the day we were confronted with some green laneing which one or two of us weren't over impressed with, but we all managed it with some relief! Some more than others. Our next encounter was taking a wrong turning at Brownston which ended in a cul-de-sac, however that was soon rectified, and we were soon on the B3196 our first stop of the day this being the Ring feeder cafe at California Cross. Our refreshments were taken in a marquee and seating was on straw bails and old pallets adapted into tables. Different to say the least and somewhat ingenious.

The return journey took us through North Huish onto Avonwick and South Brent where we stopped for further refreshments sitting outside in the noon sunshine. On arriving home, I had clocked up 36 miles, an enjoyable day in good company.


   Joint ride with (SDCTC) from Bovey Tracey  5/6/22  Trevor Bradshaw

   We all assembled at Bovey Tracey cricket club on a rather damp day, good attendance from Plymouth CTC, 10 of us in all. Martin Wheeler, the new club secretary for SDCTC, was there to great us. Geoff Sharp rolled up with about 6 of the South Devon lot. Much discussion of where to ride, Geoff said his lot had just ridden along part of my route from Kingskerswell, so didn't really want to retrace their route, so we decided to let him lead off and head for Canonteign Falls. Unfortunately, their type of riding is different from ours, they favour main roads. So it was the `B` road up to Chudleigh Knighton, then the main drag up the Teign valley. I managed to persuade him to come off that road to go through the nice village of Trusham, & some other nice lanes in a more scenic route to Canonteign Falls. He was more worried about hills, I said the Plymouth group had no problem with hills, we have been up the best in the two counties.

 Arriving at the Falls, we had to get free entry to enter the cafe, then it was tucking into Tea, Coffee & cake, our `B` riders, Graham J. & Graham R, had their usual full breakfast. We had a good convivial chat, Geoff said his lot would be heading back, they had, had enough of the hills. Martin & Niccy decided to carry on with us, with Martin leading the way to Moretonhampstead. Again mostly `B` roads, passing through the nice wooded area of Dunsford, which meant climbing a long hill - good job Geoff had gone back!! It wasn't a bad route with some scenic views, & some nice thatch cottages on the way. We arrived in Moretonhampstead from a different direction than usual, & found a nice cafe, after getting a bollocking for leaving our bikes against the wall & blocking the pavement, we grabbed tables for our second refreshment stop.

 I volunteered to lead the next leg back to Bovey, & having had our fill of `B` roads, decided to go down the Wray Valley trail to Lustleigh, then pick up the old railway track back to Bovey. A good day was had by all, although a bit damp at times, we arrived back at the cricket club. There was a mixed match in progress between the Women's & Men teams - pity Dave N. couldn't make today, he would have enjoyed watching it, don't know if Larry would be as keen. We had just 30.6 miles on the clock, Martin said he enjoyed the get together & perhaps next time they would come over our way.


   ​After sharing the route for the first time I had mixed feelings as I picked Larry up for the drive to Plusha. I suppose I wondered whether we really needed a ride leader when everyone was aware of the route in advance! On the other hand, if people have the technology, they will, obviously, want to use it and, let's face it, we do seem to lose riders from time to time! Anyway, even without Rob and Brenda there were six of us at the start -Trev, Dave O, Graham, Bonny, Larry and myself - as we set off through the usual lanes to Altarnun where, instead of the usual rustic route through the pretty ford and Bowithick, we took the slightly more direct one to the edge of Davidstow Moor and right along the first of two turnings to Hallworthy where we suddenly encountered more traffic. After 2 miles of the B3262 it was on to the busy A39 for a few hundred metres to the cafe by the old Otterham station where we had our coffee stop. This seems to be a popular meeting place for bikers and there were many beautiful machines parked outside including Harleys and Indians.

After our caffeine fix, we were soon climbing up to the edge of the north coast with amazing panoramic views. It got even better as we swooped down towards Crackington Haven. After a brief look we were soon heading up the long, steep hill where we doubled back to the iconic, cliff-side churchyard of St. Genny's to eat our sandwiches. It would be difficult to find a better spot for a picnic amidst the gravestones, with Lundy floating in and out of view (this is why we continue with car-assisted rides!) Rather reluctantly we left the churchyard behind and continued up the hill to one of the few pubs in the area at Wainhouse Corner back on the Atlantic Highway, where we washed down our lunch with various alcoholic beverages. We were very fortunate with the weather as, yet again, we sat outside in rather pleasant sunshine. Once outside and back on our bikes, it suddenly felt cold as we headed east towards Canworthy Water. The temperature improved slightly as we headed south through Splatt and Three Hammers. Instead of our usual route when in these parts (via Laneast and Gimblett's Mill ) we opted for a little known bridle road from Tregeare to the A395 just north of Trewin. I had a suspicion that this short route of almost two miles may be private property, so it was agreed that unless there were locked gates we would give it a go! (the road alternative was a further one and a quarter miles and a'chevron. We continued along this delightful tract of countryside, but suddenly realised that Dave O. was missing. We discovered later that he was turned back by a woman who informed him that the road WAS private! Trev told him to continue by road back to the car, which was about seven miles away. Unfortunately, the weather was deteriorating, and it began to rain quite heavily, which made the last few miles rather unpleasant. Hailstones rather prevented our usual fond farewells as some of us beat a hasty retreat home! In spite of this it was a good ride in less familiar countryside with almost 37 miles on the clock.
PS  Poor Dave O. got rather lost and seemed to go round in circles and eventually arrived in Altarnun at 5 pm having done almost 50 miles! Sorry Dave. 


  Leader: Graham Black
  Trevor Bradshaw
  Sue Bradshaw
  David Newman
  David Oatway

Start Torpoint Ferry

 It was a sunny, bright day, and it was good to see that we were not the only cyclist on the ferry, out to enjoy the day.
 We first headed towards Tregantle Fort direction via Antony and St John using the car free quiet back lanes. Then down to Seaton for our first stop of the day, sitting outside in the sun looking out at the mill pond calm sea. Lots of people & dogs frolicking on the beach.
 Refreshed, it was then the steep Monkey hill up to No Mans Land, David left us at this point for an evening of entertainment with friends & "Gyles Brandreth", then we worked our way to Menheniot, going over the busy A38.
 In the village, Trevor took some photos of the church and the information board, telling the story of the Tin mining history of the area.
 The next part of the journey was a pleasantly green landscape with blue skies and colourful steep banks and hedges, as we went through the lanes to Heskyn Mill.
 St Germans was the next stop, where we had a pleasant stay at the new Stable Yard Cafe in Port Eliot Park where sitting outside in the sunshine taking in the equestrian ambience. There was a local "Canter in the Country" event going on & we encountered lots of horse boxes on our climb from Heskyn Mill.

 It was then the route along the A374 to the ferry, trying not to upset the motorist too much! Nearly forty miles on the clock and I think we all agreed, a good day out. 


 Riders-Bonny, Dave, Graham, Trevor & myself. Weather-Sunny spells, Windy on the Moors & finished in drizzle. Location-Layby at Plusha.

  Nice to see Bonnie at the start. She was out on her first ride with me as ride's leader. Soon underway, we sailed through Alternun, then climbed up onto Bodmin Moor. Just before the hamlet of Bowithick Bonnie, Graham & Trevor went sailing through the ford in the River Penpont. Soon after we all raced across Davidstow Moor (Or rather I did) to turn left & go through a heavily wooded area, then passing Crowdy Reservoir on our left (Looking rather nice with the sun glinting on it). Now we all enjoyed quiet lanes pleasantly undulating all the way to Churchtown for a refreshment stop outside the Village shop & pub called the Old Inn. 
 Underway again, we all now enjoyed a nice downhill section, all the way to Tresarrett. Soon after which, we all turned left & began the long climb up to pass through Whitecross, & then over the relatively new bridge across the A30. Soon after, dropping down now to go through the picturesque village of Millpool. Then on up to the crossroads (With its granite-based signpost) & then turned left to go through Mount & on to St Neot to take refreshments at the London Inn, (Seated outside in full sunshine enjoying the lovely Rhododendron shrubs in the church grounds). 
 We were on our way again, we had a lovely undulating route all the way to Minions & stopped here to see the damage done to the pub (Which burnt out in a fire last December). Now we passed along familiar lanes to North Hill village, then on to do some much-needed rough stuff just before the finish at Plusha (Here Bonny showed the boys how to go right across the ford in the River Lynher, not once but 3-4 times). 41.2 miles on the clock & I knew I had done it.


5 of us meet at the station car park on this amended ride, as had to cancel yesterday because of weather. Today was overcast with more promise of showers, although better forecast than Sunday. The riders were, Myself, Sue, Andy, Dave O. & Bonney, she made an impressive entrance by throwing herself off her bike in front of us, but no damage done to herself or bike, she dusted herself down & was ready for the off.
​   We made our way to the outskirts of Filham, joining the lanes & heading for the ridge road, here we carried on passed Ludbrook Manor to the turning for Shilstone Manor. Myself, Andy & Bonney stopped by the lakes to discover we had lost Sue & Dave, my phone went off & it was Dave asking where we were. They finally rejoined us after much chuntering from Sue, so gave them something else to moan about by taking them off-road on a climb up to the next lane. It was then up to Hangman Cross to join the undulating road down to Aveton Gifford. Here we took a detour through the park before joining the main road to cross the river Avon, then turning off on the estuary lane for Venn. We carried on this well tested route to the garden centre at Avon Mill for our first stop.
   This was quite busy with bank holiday Monday trippers, but we found a table under the outside canopy to enjoy our drinks & cake, with the local bird population hopping around the tables looking for crumbs. They didn't have much luck at our table, as all the cake & crumbs were scoffed down.
   Dragging ourselves away from this nice stop, it was out to tackle the steady climb up to Woodleigh. We now encountered the first drops of rain, so it was on with waterproof tops. Carrying on along this nice road towards Preston, except for a small diversion along a quiet lane with grass up the middle, away from this sometimes busy yellow road. From Preston, it was on the long downhill stretch to the Gara Bridge road, with an abundance of Bluebells to admire. They are now out in full bloom, & we passed lots of Bluebell woods in their splender. From Gara Bridge, it was the steady climb up to California Cross, to join the  busy road to our second stop at the Ring Feeder farm shop/cafe. This again was busy with lunchtime feeders, but we grabbed a table in the outside Marquee. More coffee & cake were consumed, and now the heavens had started to really open up. But a lovely place to sit and wait it out till it abated somewhat.
   With the rain now eased off, it was time to tackle the final leg, & the busy road heading towards the Ugborough/Avonwick road. We turned off into lanes again before hitting this road, welcome relief from all the cars flashing by. I took all the well-tried lanes back to Ivybridge to say our goodbyes to everyone, & for Sue & I to tackle one last hill to get back home. We had cracked about 30 miles & not got too wet, but in good company.